The tables have turned

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______ Hopes P.O.V________

        I woke up on a comfortable cloud of a bed. I started to look around and i saw the Walls were a baby blue color and the floor was wooden. The sweet smell of peaches flowed throughout the room. Next i saw a mirror with a dresser next to it. On the other side of the room there was a window with a closet next to it.

Lets just say  it was a beautiful room.

"your awake love"

i turned to the voice of the intruder. It was a British man with sandy blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was tall and tan.

i recognized him but I'm not sure. That's when i realized

      __ flash back__


     it was cold. it was so cold and dark. Then it felt warm, i saw a man who picked me up so gently and i felt so safe.

  he held me and i wanted to stay there forever. The only thing was that he was sad. i didn't know why until he told me that i will get back to him and then he handed me to this lady. she was cold but comfortable.

   then i was put in a moving contraption and taken away from the warm comforting man.

i miss him.

__ end flash back __


   " hello hope" he said

i was shocked and mad at the same time. i kinda felt like i wanted to run and find Matt then cry in his arms. On the other hand i felt like i wanted to hug him and be in those warm arms again. I was happy to see my dad but i was mad because he left me with Rebecca and didn't even bother to visit!

    " why didn't you visit?"

" i couldn't let the witches know you were alive, but there not a problem anymore"

  i started to cry. i didn't even want to see his face right now i couldn't let the witches know you are alive if he would have cared he would have sneaked a call or something.

when i started crying his face g

turned so worried with so much care then he walked up to me on the bed and hugged me.

"i always wanted to meet you, i held the wooden bee you gave me every single day.......... i also remember everything you said and even though you left me i still love you"

I started to calm down a bit, its been so long since I've cried, it felt so wrong

"its OK hope....... there's some other people i want you to meet."

"!?! wait where's mom and UNCLE ELIJAH!!!!!!!"

at this point i jumped out of this room and into the hall way and the next thing i know i bump into this guy and fall on the floor.

"Wait What's wrong is everything OK?!?"

his voice sounded British WHY IS EVERY ONE FREAKING BRITISH!

but when i looked up i saw this man with brown hair brown eyes and he was wearing a tux. He was shocked and i had a feeling he was going to cry.

___Elijahs P.O.V____

i heard a yell for my name so i ran upstairs and next thing you know there's a small person bumping into me. i look down and i am shocked. j drop down on my knees next to the young girl on the floor. i put my hand up to her face and I'm about to cry witch never happens


____hopes P.O.V_____

i looked in this mans eyes and was so happy to see him. he dropped down next to me and said my name so i hugged him

"i missed you"

i hate to say it but i missed Elijah even more then my dad. he was just so cool. well from the stories I've heard.

then i heard a knock

"baby girl" said a soft voice

"mom?" i got up and hugged her tightly, i mom had the worst life and i wanted her to know i was OK

"i cant believe it" she said

"wow what's with all the hugging going on" said a deep voice

i let go of my mom

" oh you know its not like your technical sister is in town oh yea by the way thanks for saving my life" i then hugged my big brother Marcel

"no biggy"

  After the whole family reunion thing Rebecca walked in and apologised for running out on me and so did Marcel. i was grateful for this family reunion but then when it was all good the tables turned............ its hard to kill all The witches so maybe there were a few around.....


Hey so i need a state so comment a random one down below and ill see



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