Chapter 24

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We rode for three more days, staying at a new inn every night. On the fourth morning, Phoenix told me to dress like a Queen.
"We'll be entering the Neutral City. I want Aspen and Jimmin to look at you with respect."
As he pulled on his Neutral City clothes, I pulled out easily the most beautiful dress I packed.
Black and lacy, it clung tight to my hips and bust. The neckline was low, and the straps were thin and hugged my shoulders. The skirt split, running right up to my hip. I paired this with my crown.
Phoenix even did a double take when I walked out the inn to him.
"Wow, Fyre." He said, smiling. "I love it."
"You look good yourself." I said. And I meant it. He wore it as he did on Fire Festival, with the addition of his face mask. It was tight and showed off his sculpted body.
"Remind me to peel it off of you." I said, growling at him.
He smirked back and opened the door to the new carriage.
A bigger one had been sent in the night to take us to the city. It was bigger and we would actually be able to sit up and stand in it.
I grabbed his hand and smiled at him as he helped me into the carriage.
"Clan Leader." I purred when he sat next to me.
"Mistress." He growled back. I pulled down his mask and gave him a sweet kiss. He raised his brow when I pulled back.
"Have I ever told you how adorable you are?" He said, tugging at his mask.
"Hmmm." I responded, watching out the window as we moved.
Over the hours-long drive, the air up north had gotten warmer, and smelled like sand.
"Is there a beach in the Neutral City?" I asked. I had never been to one and would like to go maybe.
"A manmade one north of the meeting spot. Need a swim?"
I nodded.
He smiled and looked out the window with me.
"Last time I came out here was the day after I took over the Clan."
"Why?" I asked.
"Jimmin and Aspen had to 'confirm' me. That is, they kneeled to me and said that they accept me as leader of the Yong'in."
"Would they have to accept me?"
He shook his head.
"They could have come to the wedding as witnesses. Naomi was right when she said that part is just tradition. That would be their way of saying 'We like your wife, man'. I want to make you a Mistress, though. So, like with Leaders, you may need to be confirmed. Since you're my equal and all."
I nodded my head. Instead of speaking some more, I simply stared out the window. The land was becoming flat, and huge palm trees began to sprout on the road.
"It's gonna be a bit bumpy." Said the carriage driver. Phoenix grabbed my arms and held me steady as the carriage bumped and swayed. After 30 seconds, it was smooth sailing.
"Paved roads." Phoenix whispered.
"Woah." I gasped, pressing my face against the window. A large building, looking something like a castle, rose from the ground. It was light blue and completely made of glass. It rose to a large peak and had several smaller peaks surrounding it.
"That's where we're headed." Phoenix said, kneeling next to me. "The meeting place."
"It's beautiful." I whispered.
"They tend to say that about the Neutral City." He whispered back to me. I turned and smiled at him.
Despite not liking some of the Clan Leader responsibilities, Phoenix had a light in his green eyes, and a smile on his lips. I traced his jawline with my eyes. He was just so handsome.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, still smiling.
"You're handsome." I said back.
He chuckled.
"And you're beautiful, Fyre." He said back.
"Am I now?" I asked, scooting closer.
He shook his head.
"You really are. I mean." He ran his fingers along my jaw.
"Thin cheeks. A soft jawline. The cutest nose ever. And those eyes. Deep red eyes. They're so beautiful."
I smiled and blushed.
"Thank you, Phoenix."
A sudden thought crossed my mind.
"Do you know where my eyes come from?" I asked. "Connor says they're middle west."
Phoenix shook his head.
"I'd never heard that. What I do recall reading, however, is that red eyes are of an extinct race. A'shat."
"A'shat?" I asked, cocking my head.
"Old warriors. They had hardly any magic abilities, and made up for it in aggressiveness and ferocity in battle."
"Would I be an A'shat?"
"No." He said. "They died out long before man was split into Clans."
"But they had magic?"
"They didn't teach you this in School, eh."
"Our lessons started at the moment the Brothers received their gifts."
"Figures." He said. "Before the Brothers, man was able to wield nature magic. Growing plants, taming wild animals, things like that."
"Secondary powers?"
"Yeah, basically. But a lot more in tune with nature. There was no fire, ice, or wind. If you wanted it, you made it yourself or waited.
"From what we've figured out, man started as 4 races.
A'shat: red-eyed warriors,
Rerin: purple-eyed farmers,
Garintin: yellow-eyed scholars, and Berin: grey-eyed magic users.
They lived in groups with all four thrown in. There was no splitting up and taking your gifts elsewhere. The Berin helped tame animals to make fertilizer for the Rerin, who would give the food to the Garintin, who gave knowledge to the A'shat in exchange for protection. Not necessarily like that, as the early humans seemed to be very intelligent. They likely shared the information from the Garintin throughout all the races."
"What happened?"
"Eventually Garintin thought they were better than the rest. Started raising their bloodlines, and 'purifying' it so to speak. If you were not a Garintin, you did not marry into the family. Caused a lot of issues for them. Eventually led to destructive interbreeding that led the Garintin people to be born with a horrifying disease that caused an infant to die hours after birth. The line died out not long after."
"And the others?"
"Rerin and Berin eventually started becoming one line."
"And the A'shat?"
"That the only line you care for?" He said smirking. "They eventually just stopped reproducing. No more babies. All the A'shat fossils and such that we have are adults. There are theories out there that they eventually became Immortals. I might have to ask Naomi if she was an A'shat when we get home. Otherwise, we have no clue."
"They weren't diseased or anything?"
"From what has been found, no. They were nearly indestructible. That's why some think they became Immortals."
"How did we figure this out?" I asked, laying my elbows on my knees. Ladylike sitting be damned.
"We have scrolls and fossils and such. Garintin kept very good records, though the Clans hardly knew how to break the language. The Clans aren't exactly scholars, so thankfully there are some outliers."
"Yeah, I suppose." I said.
"Come here, Fyre." Phoenix said.
I stood and walked over to the window. The meeting place was about a mile away.
"We're going to get out and walk in a moment."
"What about our bags?"
"Someone will grab them."
Phoenix held me against him as we watched the meeting place grow larger and larger. The carriage eventually stopped, and the driver hopped down to open the door.
"We have arrived safely at the Neutral City, Clan Leader."
"Thank you." Phoenix said, pulling his mask over his mouth. He climbed out then held his hand to help me down. I held my nose to the wind.
I smelled her. Rebecca had been here, and recently.
"You're vibrating." Phoenix said, an amused tone to his voice.
"I smell her." I whispered.
"Let's get inside before you run from me then."
Phoenix grabbed my hand, and we walked side by side into the meeting palace. Every step lasted an eternity, and I fought the urge to buck until Phoenix let me go.
Faster, faster! Screamed Wolf. We'll see her in a moment.
We got to the doors which were brown but made of the same glass material. I entered and heard Phoenix come up beside me. I put my nose to the air.
"Meeting Hall." Phoenix said, pulling me along. We walked down a hallway, then stopped in front of another door. Her smell was strongest here.
"Go for it." Phoenix said.
I pushed open the door and looked around the room. I saw Jimmin and a redhead that must've been his wife. I glanced further around the room and saw a tall man in the opposite corner. He was wearing ice blue robes and had slicked-back grey hair. His eyes were light blue that matched his robes. The woman standing next to him, however.
She was tall and blonde. Her eyes were a darker blue and soft. She radiated kindness. Her dress was seafoam green, with jewels lining the bodice and seams. I took one deep breath and felt my eyes tear up at the scent.
"Rebecca!" I screamed as I ran across the room. She had barely turned when I collided with her, and we both fell to the floor. Her arms wrapped around me as she laid her head on my shoulder.
"Oh, Fyre!" She sobbed. I let myself go as well, and cried into her shoulder. We sat like this, crying and saying each others name.
"Well, Aspen." I heard Phoenix say. "Looks like our wives are best friends. That or lost lovers."

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