Chapter 28

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Rebecca and I separated when we returned our dresses to our rooms. I didn't bother changing my clothes, but when I got to the Meeting Room, I kinda wish I did if it would've extended the time I stayed out of the Meeting Room.

Phoenix was fuming in a corner by himself.

Jimmin and Aspen were yelling at each other.

Rebecca and Martina were standing off in a corner shaking their heads.

I walked over to Phoenix and laid a hand on his shoulder. He laid his hand on top of mine.

"I only suggested they put the Shifters in hiding." Phoenix said.

Jimmin was yelling something about not needing a military.

"Jimmin said it's a good idea." Phoenix muttered. "Aspen, however, decided that he needs a military."

Aspen grew red as he called Jimmin a particular strand of names.

"Jimmin said no one needs a military. That the Clans have lived in peace for hundreds of years. Aspen basically told Jimmin to go fuck himself, and that he couldn't be trusted."

Jimmin yelled back his own strain of words. The yelling was giving me a headache, and making wolf bristle. So I walked out into the middle of the meeting room, Phoenix not stopping me.
"Hey!" I said, yelling at them. Neither turned towards me, but kept yelling at the other.

I summoned my flames, a deep gold. Then I pushed them out away from me, the flames screaming as I pushed. As the world erupted in gold, I felt their presence in my flames. Their anger, their sweat, their confusion. I felt it all. Rebecca and Martina entered the swelling flames, curiosity radiating from the both of them. And then there was Phoenix, who gave off a mix of admiration and fear.

"Now we're going to play nice." the flames whispered. When neither of the men moved, I pulled my back into me, leaving all their emotions behind. I felt Phoenix behind me as I fell to my knees.

"You didn't tell us your wife was a hissiyot." Aspen said to Phoenix.

Phoenix chuckled as he helped me stand.

"I didn't even know, Aspen."

"What's a hissiyot?" I asked as Phoenix sat me down. Rebecca walked over and sat next to me, grabbing my hand.

"A hissiyot is another layer of inmora." Phoenix said.

"It allows a person to sense and control emotions, and eventually physical aspects. That power is capable of healing an entire army if you weild it correctly." Martina said, moving to stand next to Jimmin.

"How did you know I felt your emotions?" I asked.

"When the flames reached us, we felt a slight annoyance. Then your voice whispered in our heads to keep calm." Rebecca said.

"This isn't something I can do, Fyre." Phoenix whispered. "But we can check the Great Book when we get home. Maybe it'll have some information to offer."

"Or maybe Naomi'll know." I whispered.

"Let's get back to the meeting." Rebecca said gently.

"You were busy explaining putting the Shifters in hiding." Jimmin said to Phoenix.

Aspen began to speak up, but Rebecca shushed him.

"But, Rebecca." He began.

"We can talk about your military later, dear." Rebecca said.

"Anyway. Yes I agree that it is a good idea to put the Shifters in hiding." Jimmin said. "If it keeps the Church at bay, we should consider it."

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