Please 》 Chapter 1

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The smell of raw alpha caused me to awake from my restless sleep. No sleep last night, like every other night. I always had to worry for my life, afraid I wouldn't make the night. But I was in for it now. It was our alphas last day on the job, he was going to make the most of it.

      I was supposed to seem giddy and wake every morning ready to feed the pack. Yes, we may have a rather small pack but we're fierce warriors. Actually, they're force warriors, not me. I'm an omega, the lowest of the low in ranking wise.

      Alpha Viktor stormed into my attic room, his towering 6'11 height conquering my meer 6'1. His eyes alit with a flame that could burn me to the core if I wasn't already used to it.

      He growls lowly, "Omega, you were supposed to have breakfast finished ten minutes ago." His voice is calm which warns me he's hiding his real rage. Funny, he usually doesn't do that. My eyes are lowered and head bowed as always out of respect.

      "I am of utmost sorry for this inconvenience Alpha Viktor," I say quietly, my voice not allowed to be level with his, it's really a sign of submission, "- but today is my day off." I got one every other week which really sucks because even after a day I'm wiped. Of course I'd never complain, I'm not in ranking to do that.

      "We have guest's coming over for the new alpha today at 7 o'clock," he snaps, ignoring my comment. "I expect this place spotless."

      I bow deeply, "As you wish Vik- Alpha Viktor." He snarls as I quickly corrected my mistake and yet his senses caught my slip up.

      His heavy footsteps resound in my tiny room as he storms up to me, anger legitimately pooling off of him.

      I cry out as he slams me into the wall nearest us, closing off my flow of air. Tears brim in my eyes as my already frail body flails in his strong arms. Through watery eyes I can see him smirking, loving dominance over me.

      "Please," I gasp. Verge of blacking out, he allows wind into my lungs which I greedily inhale, yet his hand is still around my neck.

      He whispers harshly, "Spotless." Then he lets me go and walks out causally as if nothing had happened. I reach up to my neck, rubbing at his handprint which was most likely healing fast. Being a werewolf had its perks even though I hadn't uncovered my wolf yet. That usually happened when you were 18, I turned that special age today actually. I'm supposed to meet my mate too.

      My thoughts are interrupted as loud clashing happened downstairs. I was on the third and up most level of the pack house. Made up of logs and mud, the Misty Packs pack house, is a house made for endurance not for being warm or comfortable.

      It was worse being me because I was only provided a bed and a few belongings, never blankets. I had a couple amounts of old clothes, some books, and my necklace my mum gave me. I hid it from the rest of the pack when my parents died. My dad was alpha and my mom luna. Rogues attacked our pack and my parents died fighting bravely. My mum's last labored breaths were to give me this possession, I haven't parted with it since.

      It's a white moon on a golden chain. If the pack knew about it, they would take it away, not wanting me to have anything special.

      I wince as the crashing starts again, I groaned quietly as I knew what was happening. Alpha Viktor did it for fun all the time. When I had deep cleaning to do, he had the pack destroy everything. Not breaking anything, but pouring everything onto the grounds.

      I hurriedly get dressed in my omega uniform and nearly run down the stairs. I'd be beaten more if I was late to start. Half of the pack and Viktor were standing in the midst of a huge mess of a kitchen. Food flung everywhere, pots and pans resting lazily all over the kitchen, and drawers taken out of the cabinets.

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