The Flesh Fights 》 Chapter 12

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I wake up to the sound of a scream I know too well. My eyes snap open and I jump to my feet, ending up knocking my head on the top of the crate. I groan and put my hand on the aching spot while looking out of my crate to see Zelda being dragged away. I immediately go into protective mode and start banging on the door, but my bones are still broken so I can't do much.

      The main man from before suddenly pops up and blocks my view. I growl as best as I can but it comes out weak and small. The man laughs at my weak attempt and leans against the kennel.

      "I bet you feel hopeless right now,"  he sneers. "Like you can't do anything to help your sake. Well, now you know how we felt when Maverick took over our world."

      I bare my teeth. "I am not hopeless nor helpless. I am an alpha and I will rain Hell upon you and all who you love."

      The man snickers, "Yeah, okay. And by the way my name is Taylor, and I will be the one to distribute your destruction."

      He then snaps his fingers and point to me. I hear shuffling and my cage is being lifted off of the bed of the truck and dropped onto the ground. I groan in pain and hold my broken ribs again.

      "Should we put him with the girl?" a man asks.

      "No, put him in the cage next to her," I hear Taylor answer, "- it will start soon."

      They carry me but block my view with a blanket over the cage.

      What did they mean by " . . . it will start soon?" Why am I being placed next to Zelda and in what?

      My thoughts are interrupted when they tip the cage over and I come crashing out. I hop to my feet no matter the pain and attack one. He screams as my canines dig into his flesh. One of the other ones punches me in the gut and I grasp it as I fall to my knees.

      "Stupid mut," I hear Taylor growl, "- you will regret that soon enough." He then turns to the man next to him with long shaggy hair and says, "Put the other collar on him." I hear a man snicker as he takes off the collar I have on now. All of my built of magic flows through my body and all of my bones are healed and I don't feel any pain anymore.

      I smirk, "You shouldn't have done that." I spread my wings open and spin, knocking down everyone in the cage. Something is snapped around my neck and I feel my bones snapping without my consent. I grow and then I'm in wolf form, the collar still around my neck.

      Taylor laughs maniacally. "What was that? We shouldn't have done that? Don't worry Xenos, we'll be out of yours and Zelda's fur soon . . . hopefully."

      I'm in my wolf form so I can't talk back to him but if I could I would ask what he meant.

      With that he turns on his heel and walks out of my new cage. This one is bigger, gives me wing and wolf space. This new collar doesn't cut off my magical properties but I feel like if I tried to shift back something bad would happen.

      I take a look around me to see I'm in a iron cage with wood planks all around me. Right smack in front of me is a door cut out in the wood, and a door in the iron cage. Maybe if I hit it hard enough I could pop it open and rip through the wood. I'm about to follow through with my plan when I hear a manly voice boom out.

      "Welcome back to The Flesh Fights!" he shouts. "Today we have new contestants with us! But first welcome our two all time champions, Torro and Genuine!" Loud cheers are heard everywhere, and clapping. Then I hear growls and snarls from outside of the wood.

     He starts to speak again. "Now we have two newbies who I belive you'll find interesting. First off we have Zelda or known to us as The Ranger!"

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