Welcome Back 》 Chapter 10

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Sleeping in a real bed has never been more comfortable. Even though Xenos and I weren't really talking last night he showed me the room he had prepared. I thanked him and shut the door on him.

      Today I'm visiting Rover because I haven't seen him in a long time and I miss him. I haven't told him about anything yet, so it will be a surprise to him. He was at the pack fight the other day, which I haven't dug deeper into, so I'll ask him out it today. Of course Xenos is coming with for protection, we are still mates after all.

      It's 10:00 in the morning right now, the time I slept into. I jump out of bed to see a rats nest for hair sitting atop my head. I shake my head, ready to get ready. My wings had been sprawled out everywhere last night, hanging of off the bed and knocking down furniture.

      I stand and tuck my wings behind my back as I do so, walking over to my humongous closet. Xenos stock piled it with clothes he thought I'd like. He even had a maid come in last night and cut holes out of every shirt neatly to make clothes suitable for my wings.

      I open the doors and walk into the blinding light that the lights provide. Walking into the middle of the room I decide on shorts and a muscle shirt. It's summer after all, and hot. I can't wait until winter, my favorite season, when snow falls constantly. I thought the Rogue Mountains were bad then, the winter season is even worse. A lot of rogues die during that time because of hypothermia. It's almost winter, the seasons change in about a week.

      I slip on my clothes and put on simple slip-on shoes, walking out of my door. As suspected for most, Xenos had put my room next to his, the master bedrooms of the house.

       Now that Xenos was alpha, he had everyone on shifts to cook, clean, and provide training to the teens going into maturity. As an omega I never trained but Alpha Viktor had, and apparently Xenos didn't want to do that.

       I walk down the million stairs that lead down to the kitchen, which by the way smells horrid. Once I make it into the place I see Clarissa and Warner trying to cook while making out. I sigh and walk in, guess I'd be cooking this morning.

      "Get out," I demand, "- obviously you two are only good for STD's and pups." That's when they break apart and Clarissa growls at me. Warner puffs out his chest and walks up to me, trying to look intimidating. I cock an eyebrow, unimpressed.

      He snarls, "Don't forget about what you were before you betrayed the pack omega." He snickers along side Clarissa.

      I chuckle, "Alright, don't hurt yourself big guy. I'm making breakfast, you two go have fun." He raises a fist and brings it down to hit my cheekbone but I grab his wrist mid-air. I cock my head to the side and look into his eyes. "You dare disrespect you luna." Then my fist connects with his eye. He stumbles and falls to the ground.

      He holds his eye. "What have you become?"

      "An alpha," I growl and then turn back around to see Calrissa standing there dumbfounded. "You want a purple eye too?"

      She shakes her head, "No Zelda."

      I smirk, "Now scram before I do anything more to your precious boy toy." She nods and runs out of the kitchen with Warner.

      Not soon after that I hear them talking about something on the lines of "let's go to your room". I sigh and continue cleaning the burnt dishes while cooking eggs, bacon, pancakes, sausage, tater tots, and freshly squeezed orange and apple juice. A meal worthy to fit the pack. Us being werewolves have quite an appetite might I say.

      Xenos comes into the kitchen and grabs a freshly baked chocolate muffin that I had made not a couple minutes ago. He groans in content as he eats, his wings ruffling in the A.C.

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