Enemies 》 Chapter 6

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My back arches as I awake from a dreamless, peaceful slumber. It might've been the best night of sleep if had in a while if the growling hadn't awoken me.

      I snap my eyes open to see shadows moving across the curtain surveying the entrance. Good thing the fire is out. I get up stealthily, ready to lunge at anyone who comes in.

      But what happens surprises me. Through the chimney a wolf comes toppling in, landing on me. With a big "oof" I'm successfully pinned to the ground. I thrash around but it stays on top of me, obviously needing me to stay still. I'm guessing male let's out a deep howl and the other wolves come tumbling in.

      I can tell the alpha as soon as I look at him. Broad stature, high head, power literally pooling off of him. I growl, showing him his dominance didn't effect me. He seems taken aback but quickly recovers. His ears flatten on his head as he bares his teeth.

      I would continue growling if the wolf on top of me hadn't bitten down lightly on my neck as a warning sign. I quickly stop, cracked necks aren't the best accessory. The alpha seems pleased and walks up to me. He has crystal blue eyes, his fur shaggy but silky, the color of pure darkness.

      He places the tip of his nose onto mine, showing me he wanted me to shift. I cock my head to the side, showing them to turn around. The alpha rolls his eyes but states at the male on top of me, whom leaps down. The five wolves turn around and I trot over to my clothing. I pick out a long shirt that I always put on when shifting. Bones cracking and human body reforming I slip on the shirt.

      When I look I see none of the wolves are in my cave anymore. But then one by one they come in clothed and shifted. The alpha is first. He's attractive, I'll give him that, but most alphas are. He's tall and of course hella muscular. His eyes are that same crystal blue, popping out of his dark skin. His hair is pitch black. His face is the most captivating though, his wide set jaw and high cheekbones pop out his eyes.

      After I'm done surveying his body I look back up at his eyes. Apparently he had been doing the same because his eyes meet mine now.

      "Zelda Xavington," he says in a very deep voice, "- is that your name?"

      I shrug, "I don't know. It could be,  it couldn't be, guess you'll never know." He eyes narrow and he growls. Apparently he's not the patient type.

      "I am here to take you," he states forcibly, "- there is a high prize on your head."

      I chuckle, "And whom might you be?"

      "German, Alpha German. Leader of the Hunter Pack," he says proudly. Yes I've heard of the Hunter Pack, they weren't really a pack but more of a nomad party. They roamed the United States, sometimes dropping by Canada, obviously it's my lucky day. I should be scared, these are the werewolves that parents tell scary stories at night about. This pack is the one that every child knows to run away from, because they hunt their own kin. Sometimes eating their carcass, other times keeping them as slaves.

      I cock an eyebrow, "Well hello German, I'm Zelda." Putting on a mask to hide my true fear was all I could do for now. Sarcasm and sweet words were second choice.

      He smirks, "That's Alpha German to you."

      "No, it's not. I prefer German," I back fire cockily, "- it goes perfectly with your small muscles and petite frame." The smirk is wiped off of his face at that and replaced with a snarl. If there's one thing all alphas hated was to say they looked small. It was technically telling them their sense of dominance was a lie.

      He growls, "Do not test me, omega."

      "I am not an omega anymore," I growl back, "- I'm a rogue."

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