The Rogue Mountains 》 Chapter 4

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I was halfway there when I heard the warning howl. It was Alpha Gracan and Alpha Xenos howling together. Two alphas howling together then the other two alphas from the other packs joined in. This is bad, very bad. Four alphas howling together meant it was a dire situation. Everyone who stayed at their packs to guard would be looking for me now.

      "Just go back," Terra whines. "If they find you they'll kill you. Do you know what that howl meant? It meant that they needed all packs in Canada looking for you." My heart rate picks up at this newfound information. The sound of heavy footsteps pounded into my head. I felt relief as I saw the border to rogue territory though. But then I was terrified, because a line of my old pack stood in my way.

      Xenos at the front all of our ranks stood behind him. Of course he didn't need the whole pack but it was to intimidate me.

      The sky seemed like it wanted to make this worse as rain poured. My fur became soaked, gravity now pulling it down to the ground. I shook my head to get it out of my eyes. I still held my head high, as did Xenos.

      "Zelda," his voice whispers into my head. I'm taken aback, after his deny I should've never been able to mind link him again. "There is still a faint connection between us so I can speak with you. Please Zelda, come back with me. Give me a second chance. I made a mistake, I want you so bad."

      "No Xenos," I snarl back, "- you made me feel like I was nothing. I have proved you wrong now, haven't I? Yeah, I'm strong, independent, and ready to be labeled. Not as an omega, not as a part of a pack, but as a rogue."

      "You know I can't let you get to those mountains," he states.

      I growl, "Then I'll find my own way through you." That's when I stance, ready for the fight to come. But then Xenos' eyes gloss over and I can tell he's mind linking someone. That's when the whole pack backs away and it's only me and him.

      He growls lowly, telling me to come at him. I lunge at him and he dodges, not a smart idea. Twisting my body, I land on the place he dodged to and knocked him over. That's when I step over the territory line and bolt. I can hear that he's close behind, running after me. The rogues will not enjoy an alpha on their territory.

      The warning howls of the rogues fall to the sky and Xenos stops whilst I keep running. I can here him whining for me to come back.


      I whine for her to come back, but I knew she wouldn't. That's when I turn back, I knew rogue's wouldn't like an alpha on their territory. All I wanted was to hold her and take in her joyous scent.

      "So what are you going to do about it?" Finn asks, smug. I growl lowly. I'll have to admit Zelda has evolved from the small omega she was. She was beautiful, but now she's breathtaking. Her long hair shines with health. She's extremely tall and muscular for a woman, especially omega. Her legs are tanned and beautiful, as is the rest of her body. Her green eyes glinted with happiness.

      I sigh, "I don't know what I'm going to do. I can't really do anything."

      "You need your mate," Finn points out. "You lose control when she's not around. Please, just let me out. I'll find her."

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