8: Dark Dimension

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.^^ Namean Weasel^^

— James —

I supported Athenos as he fell. He had woven a spell, but I couldn't see anything different yet. As soon as I touched him, however, he shocked me, and then reared back as if it had been far worse, on his side.

"Whoah! Are you alright?" I asked, confused.

He flexed his hand, then looked at me. "Yeah... I am now. I was drained, after building you and the Cerberus a second story to the house. Now you have the top floor to yourself... how did you do that? Did you mean to give me magic?"

I shook my head. "No? Perceval said I had a lot of it, when I was experimenting last night, but I thought he was exaggerating."

He snorted. "No. Show me what you made last night?"

I nodded and led him into the library garden, and he looked closely at the Bonsai. "Hmm... positively thrumming with power... a normal Mage would have been cold for weeks, after giving away this much."

"The coldness can last for weeks?!? Eesh." I shivered.

He nodded. "Mm. Or until you sleep, and regain some of it. This is impressive. I never thought I'd have a Battle Mage for a son, but I suppose your mother's Clan must be quite gifted... anyways, let's show you the upstairs." He carefully picked up the Bonsai, and carried it with us.

I grinned at the Giant room, and explained to Riley (the Cerberus,) that it was all hers and Perceval's. She dove into a pile of toys, and came out holding a goldfish-shaped squeaky toy.

Perceval leapt into the rafters, drawing my eyes to them, and I smiled. "This is awesome. You're sure we can have it? You weren't using it?"

"Not for more than my dust collection." He laughed, and pet Riley's head gently. "You're very welcome, Cerberus."

"I've named her Riley." I commented, sitting on my bed.

"Riley, Huh? Better name than Cerberus, I suppose." He nodded, and pet her some more, scratching her belly when she rolled over and demanded it.

"You do like dogs, huh? Unlike cats." I asked.

He shook his head. "I like all animals, except maybe birds. Cats and dogs definitely. I just can't handle them leaving their fur everywhere. I like my house clinically neat. Up here, though, there's no problem, because I'll never have to see the mess. And the bottom of the stairs should let out into the yard, now, so she can go if she needs to, once you've properly trained her."

I grinned. "Not much training necessary, when you can talk to them. She knows the rules."

"If only my dog's when I was younger had you around." He chuckled.

"Is the Gift of Tongues or whatever a rare gift? You didn't seem surprised at all, when you realized." I decided to ask.

He hummed, and sat in one of the chairs, after tossing the toys populating it into the pile, prompting Riley to dive into it. "Well... In my family? Not really. Not many have it, to my knowledge, but everyone in my family has a Gift of some kind. Yours is languages." He nodded.

"What's yours?" I asked.

"There's some debate about that, actually. My instincts for danger are top-notch, but I also remember every word I've ever read. In every language, every rune, everything. Learning to read a new language is as simple as reading a translation dictionary, and translating word for word as I read. So whichever, to be honest." He shrugged.

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