2-10: Danger Zone

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.^^ Forest God ^^

— James —

I grinned widely at Kari, and then separated the three anvils back to their original sizes and shapes, setting them down on their previous stone podiums.

She scoffed softly. "Well, James, I suppose you'll just have to get used to the Adept Class, and learn quickly. Starting tomorrow, you report to my Adept Class, not my Beginner's Class. Understood?"

I nodded. "If you say so... will that juggle my other classes?"

"No, you just take your lunch an hour earlier, instead of coming to the beginner's class, and you have three classes after lunch, instead of two, mine being the last. You get out an hour later, as well." She shrugged.

"Alright. Sounds like a Plan." I smiled.

"Alright, everyone, if you're not finished, finish wherever you like,-"

I snickered softly. "If only..." several of the others smirked, though they pretended it was because they were taking off their goggles.

She glared at me. "-At home or on the anvils, and I'll review your work in class tomorrow."

Kiana flicked one of my ears, making me screech in pain, and she nodded. "Enough of the immaturity. It's unbecoming of you."

"Leave my ears alone! They're new, and sensitive..." I frowned at her.

She shrugged. "I know. You think you're the first Elf I've seen go through Chrysalis? Usually takes longer, but it also usually pushes you much further along... your human blood must have slowed it down. Interesting. You'll have to go through quite a few more of those, to get fully-grown... probably once a year, I'd say."

"Oh, great. That's great news. Nearly dying of a fever so hot it literally takes being frozen in Enchanted Ice to keep me alive is going to become an annual occurrence. Yay." I said dryly.

She shrugged again. "Don't shoot the messenger. Anyway, let me see that mirror of yours. Seemed interesting."

I pulled it out, and showed it to her.

She unrolled it carefully, and it suddenly solidified. "Interesting... a portal mirror... reminds me of a Relic I once destroyed, but that one was the only entrance to a Dark Dimension. Impressive work." She handed it back.

I rolled it up swiftly, and placed it in my bag. "I appreciate the Praise, even though my ear still stings."

"You deserved it." She shrugged.

"You shrug too much." I quipped, as I had nothing else to come back with.

She shrugged in answer, grinning.

I sighed and walked away, waving to them both, but muttering under my breath. "Giant women and their Giant bodies. What am I supposed to do? Keep my thoughts entirely PG? Have they met my mother, and her dirty mind? It's like I'm hardwired that way! From the Source Code!"

"You're not wrong, you know." A female voice said, and I turned my head. I suddenly stood inside a giant meadow, with a forest surrounding me. An Elf with red hair stood in the middle, staring at me.

One tree stood in the middle of the meadow, behind the red-haired elf, an elder Oak or Maple of some sort, which was odd. I couldn't really tell what type of tree it was, and I knew all the basic types of trees.

"Sorry, what?" I asked.

"You're not wrong. Your Body and mind are hardwired for war and breeding. You have little to no choice in the matter." She explained casually, sitting on an extended root of the tree.

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