Part 2-1: God Loves a Greek

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.^^ Xeda ^^

— Athenos —

I woke up to my alarm, but when I slammed my hand down on it, I instead hit flesh. Very familiar flesh.

Rafaela looked from me to the hand on her ass, and smiled, turning back to her book, and gently pressed the button on the alarm, stopping it. "Good Morning, Axiom." She said calmly.

"Oh... morning... what day is it?" I wondered, and stood up, dressing and stretching.

"Mm, Saturday. Why?" She asked.

I groaned. "Today's the day I have to send James back to England." I laid back down on top of her back. "I don't really want to... he's fun to have around. Makes the house livelier." I sighed.

She smiled. "I know. You could always accept my invitation, and live with me."

"I wouldn't want to impose, and your kids barely know me. That would be weird."

"Weirder than a teenager suddenly living in your loft?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Okay... point made... but I have work in this city! What if the Sanctuary in New Orleans doesn't want my help?"

She laughed. "You worry too much! If it really bothers you, just make a permanent portal, and 'live' here, work in whichever city needs you or wants you, but sleep at my house, in my arms." She rolled over, under me, and kissed me sweetly.

"Ewww, old people sex." James walked by casually.

"On second thought, he can go whenever he pleases..." I growled, taking another kiss and standing, making my way into the kitchen.

"So mum wants to place me in a boarding school in America." He said casually.

I smashed the glass in my hand, and roared in pain, carefully removing pieces of glass while he swept up the stuff on the floor. I breathed deeply as the cuts closed most of the way, and looked at him. "Excuse me?"

He blinked. "A boarding school. Where you live there, like in dorms-"

"I know what a boarding school is. But she wants to send you to one?" I asked incredulously.

"I think it'll be good for him. There's a few magical schools that take students and teach them a mixture of magic and curriculum. I went to one. It was the best high-school experience I ever had." Alexia walked in and sat at the table. She saw the cuts on my hand, and raised an eyebrow.

"Okay... let me say this perfectly clear... boarding schools in America are different. It's where your rich, snooty parents put you so they don't have to deal with you for 8 months a year. They're basically prison camps, where they cram useless knowledge down your throat and don't care if that's what you want to learn! If you want him to have a private education in America, I can make that happen, but boarding schools are hell on earth for children who have actual, active imaginations." I growled.

"Are you saying I don't?" She raised an eyebrow again.

"No, I'm saying you went to a boarding school in England, thirty years ago, and all you remember was happy fun times, so you think it'll be that way now. It won't. It's a bad idea." I said sternly.

She raised the other eyebrow, and Rafaela slowly nudged James.

"Uhm, I don't really want to leave home for a whole year, you know? Boarding school sounds... interesting, but I like my regular private school. Is there middle ground at all? Like a magical private school that doesn't have military barracks?" He grinned, to dilute the tension.

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