2-3: Hello, Old Friends

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.^^ Is This All I've Got? ^^

— Athenos —

I laughed, watching from the stands as he conquered the First Stage with total ease. "Lookit' 'im go!" I cackled, and then hummed at his teammate, who used advanced magic to freeze the volcanic crystal seemingly without any thought or preparation.

Alexia nodded. "Strong children."

Rafaela snorted. "Or just Smart. Knowledge has nothing to do with Power, not in magic. The more you know, the better you can attack a problem, but if it's more powerful than you, you're fucked."

"True, but a combination of knowledge and power is still ideal..." I hummed, watching him shatter the crystal with a pulse of magic, tuned to the vibrational frequency of the crystal. "And I believe he has the potential to find that balance. You never taught him magic, Alexia, but you taught him an interesting level of control over his mind and body." I grudgingly admitted.

"It was the limit of what I was allowed, so I did my best." She shrugged.

The second round, the test, had me biting my nails. "No, no, no! I knew I should have taught him more history and less magic!!! No, Merlin died in 1978!!! Dammit!!!" I growled, annoyed with myself.

"You only had three months, dear, you've done well with his teaching. Stop getting aggravated, and just trust him to do his best." Rafaela said simply.

I sighed. "You're Right..."

"Excuse me, I hate to barge in, but did you just say he'd only been taught magic for three months?" One of the nearby spectators asked. He looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place him.

"Well yes... he has only known magic existed for three months, and I've taught him as well as I could, in that time." I frowned.

"Oh make no mistake, sir, I mean no insult! The boy is remarkable, for such a short term of learning. All practical knowledge, though, yes?" He asked.

I sighed. "Yes, that was what he needed."

"Just so, sir! My son is also there, you see him? Zetre Lithos, prodigal son of the Fire Clan of Spain." He proclaimed proudly.

I twitched. "Ah... I knew I recognized you. You never had a mustache, before, Zapesa." I growled, attempting civility.

He smiled, ignoring my tone. "Just so, Athenos! I'm happy you remember me! One must always have someone to look up to, after all, I do count myself and our rivalry to blame for your rapid rise in magical rank!!!"

Rafaela saw the twitching of my knuckles, and raised an eyebrow. "You were not friends, I take it?"

"Friendly Rivals, I'd Say!" He grinned.

"Enemies." I said coldly.

His smile fell a little, and I amended my statement. "Whose rivalry... did drive me to be a better Mage than him, and achieve my own High-Mastery at the ripe age of 16, second youngest in history. I suppose... frenemy is the proper term. And we have long since recovered from our rivalry, and are only parents, now, who must make sure their children receive the proper motivation and education." I reminded him sternly.

"Just so, sir! Well said!" He grinned forcefully, still itching to fight the 'better Mage than him' comment.

Rafaela laughed. "I do love a good rivalry. Makes life interesting."

"So his was the one using high-magic?" Alexia asked softly.

I nodded.

"Well fuck." She frowned.

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