2-9: The Witch-Doctor

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.^^ Dian Ceacht's Spawn, Greta ^^

— Athenos —

I sighed, cracking my neck slowly. "Well, he's a tough one, I can say that much. And it looks like he doesn't remember anything after he passed out."

Alexia glared at me, and sat down, crossing her arms in a huff. "What did you need to know, that you cut him open to find out?"

"Oh come off your bullshit, woman!" I growled. "He had nigh-impenetrable armor integrated into his skin, and a normal physical wouldn't have worked. It would be like doing a physical on Baldur himself! So yes, I looked inside for myself. And his muscles have changed... irrevocably." I sighed, cooling off and leaning against the wall.

She nodded. "I know. If you'd asked, I'd have told you."

"Did you know about the magical, living crystal that he has growing throughout his body?" I snapped.


"No, you didn't! Stop acting like you know everything, woman! You're clueless in all this, you're just too stubborn to admit it! I, at least, admit when I don't know something! It's called 'Maturity'! Maybe you should learn some! I don't know how having a child to raise made you less mature, but honestly it's beginning to bother me!" I growled.

She glared at me again. "At least I did raise him!"

"You want to step down that particular road with me, you immature witch?" I growled, my voice roughening with rage. "Because last I checked, I wasn't given a choice there, and the moment I knew he Existed, I began teaching him how to be a man!!!"

She looked away. "I keep forgetting... sorry."

"Forgetting?!? Forgetting the choice you made because you were too cowardly to stand up to your family for the sake of your lover or child?!? HA!!! More like forcing yourself to forget, so you don't feel guilty!!! Keep your pitiful apologies and excuses, because they do not affect me, and only make you an even lesser being, in my eyes!" I dismissed her pitiful state, and walked out, shaking my head.

"You should be kinder to her. She has endured much." The voice of the ancestors spoke again.

"Is this a common occurrence, now?"

"Yes. You have opened yourself to us, and we do not have anything better to do, other than give you advice." She said honestly.

"Well can it. She endured much, my ass!!! She chose to be afraid of her family, and allow them to nearly destroy my son's life, along with mine. She has the power to stand up to her aunts, if she would use it. Accepting that Geas was a weak choice, and the woman I knew wasn't weak." I snapped, and fell into my bed, closing the trap door.

"Are you so sure you understand her point of view?"

"Yes. She was given the choice to agree to a Geas, in order to save her son. She should have destroyed those who had threatened him in the first place, and allowed me to have a part in his life. If she didn't want to have me in her life, that's fine as well, I respect her decision to not be my wife, but her other choices, those were cowardly, and not the choices the woman I knew would have made." I answered firmly.

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