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"Okay Regina i'm trusting you to take care of the kids tonight" Ariana told her as she grabbed her purse. "Ari this is like the millionth time i've babysat them, everything is going to be alright" Regina assured Ariana. "Okay now you'll be late for your date" Regina opened the door and pushed Ariana out the door.

"Just make su-" Regina slammed the door and resumed her show. "Auntie Regina where is our mommy's makeup kit?" Jamie asked Regina who kept her focus on the tv screen. "Uh go in the washroom and open the 2nd drawer" Regina told her without looking at her face.

Jamie smiled and went to grab her mom's makeup kit. She entered her shared room with her brother. "Jamie what are you doing?" Kyle asked as he pointed to the makeup kit.

"I'm going to give myself a makeover, do you want one?" Jamie asked Kyle who backed away from her. "No thanks" Kyle went back to playing with his blocks.


Jackson and Ariana sat down at their table. The two just finished placing their orders. "So Ari isn't it nice to not be working tonight?" Jackson started a conversation so it wasn't awkward between the two.

"Yeah it's nice I guess" Ariana said as she stared at her phone. "Ariana don't worry about the kids, Regina has it under control" Jackson assured her as Ariana just nodded. "It's just that recently whenever Regina has babysat the kids something goes wrong. I guess you have a point, I need to trust her on this."

At this point their food has came, Ariana was eager to eat. She began to stuff her face with food as Jackson watched her. He smiled at her, admiring everything about her.

"After all these years this could be the night where I call you mine" Jackson thought to himself.

Little did the couple know two familiar people walked into the same restaurant. Their table was right behind Ariana and Jackson's table. Ariana couldn't see them but from Jackson's view he can see them.

Jackson was too busy looking at Ariana to noticed the two sitting at the table.

"Auston baby thanks for taking me shopping earlier" Jordyn said as she took a sip of the glass of wine which was on the table beforehand. Mitch's words kept playing in Auston's head all day.

"Do you love Jordyn?"

The thing is that every time someone mentions the word love, he immediately thinks of Ariana. I mean who could blame him, Ariana was the last person he loved.

A couple minutes went by, Jordyn and Auston were eating until Jordyn had a stain on her white top. "Babe i'll be back" Jordyn excused herself.

Ariana and Jackson were finished eating and were about to pay for the food. "Jackson please let me pay for my food" Ariana begged but Jackson refused. "Ariana let me pay, it's a treat from me" Jackson told her as he got up and went up to the counter to pay.

Ariana sighed before placing her money back in her purse. A dollar bill slipped out and fell on the ground. "Crap" Ariana whispered to herself as she went down to get it. Instead of the bill she was met by a pair of hands. She looked at the person and was surprised to see who it was.



Sorry for not posting in awhile, I'm currently on vacation and won't be updating until July 28. This is my last update until I get back home.

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