Chapter 1 ~ The mark

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According to Greek mythology, humans were born with four arms, four legs, four eyes, two noses, and two mouths. They were believed to be beings with extreme power. Zeus had feared their power so he split them in half. Now each half must find their other half to be happy. They must find their soulmate.

This is just a story. But this is also where the term soulmate came from.

Every human has a soulmate. This was a known fact. The thing is, no human knew who their soulmate is until they'd finally meet them. This is because the only hint humans were given is a birthmark, indicating where their soulmate would touch them for the very first time.

When a child comes out of the womb, the mark is black. The mark stays black until it meets its soulmate's mark. Then the dark boring mark will burst into hundreds of colours until finally settling with their soulmate's favourite colour. The mark will fade once the soulmates get married.

This may sound amazing but there are many downsides to this mark. For example, what if you went out to the market and brush hands with hundreds of people but once you get home, you realize your mark is now a bright colour. Or what if your mark is in a compromising place and, because of this, you're afraid to meet your soulmate. What if you have a mark in place where you know you'll hurt your soulmate.

This exact thing happened to Keith.

Keith was an orphan that had no idea what happened to his parents. All he knew was that he's been in the foster care system since he was just an infant.

He probably could've gotten a home when he was younger if it wasn't for his stupid mark. He was born with a black mark snaking it's way down his knuckles and fist. No one wanted him because they were afraid he would grow up to be violent.

Because of people who were judgmental and total assholes, Keith grew up in foster care, never knowing what a real home was. Now he knew he would never get adopted since people only want infants and not teenagers.

His whole childhood he was bullied, teased and mocked, all because of a stupid mark. Everyone told him he was going to grow up to be a terrible person all because of a stupid mark. He was shaped into what society believed he would become all because of a stupid mark.

Being told constantly that he was an asshole, Keith slowly began to hate other people and become distant. He became a hot-head with an out of control temper. He became an asshole.

And that was society's fault. That was his marks fault. That was the world's fault.

Since he was an asshole, Keith jumped from foster home to foster home all across America. Sometimes he stayed in one home for a month or two. Sometimes he stayed in a home for only a few weeks. He felt alone. In the dark. Like his life was just shit.

It was May when Keith's life was about to make a drastic turn. Keith had moved, again, to a small town in Ohio. He lived with a small family and was the only foster child in their care.

Since Keith hated his mark, he always tried to hide it. He wore fingerless gloves all the time since it covered his hand. Yes. Keith knew they looked ridiculous. But he would prefer looking ridiculous than people judging, without even meeting him, based on a stupid mark.

It was Monday, Keith's least favourite day. Today was his first day at this new school. He stood in front of the school doors as his foster mom drove off. Listening to My Chemical Romance, he took a deep breath and pushed the door open, entering his first day of hell.

Little did he know, this day was actually going to be the best day of his entire life. This was going to be a new beginning, where life might actually get better.

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