Chapter 9 ~ Secret

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Wasn't going to be able to update on the 1st so you guys get a bit of an early update. Thank you _naca_ for helping me translate a couple words for this chapter :)

"So Allura and I were just talking and then this random girl walks up and just straight up body checks her shoulder. She then got really apologetic and stuff, saying she was sorry she didnt mean to be in her way! And you know Allura, she's so sweet. So she told her it was okay and it wasn't her fault. The other girl would've walked away and that would've been the end of it if I hadn't noticed Allura's mark poking out through under her shirt on her shoulder. And..." Lance was ranting about his day. He liked to talk. And Keith, being more of a listener than a talker, didn't mind. He just quietly sat against the tree, enjoying his cherry slushy and of course Lance's talking.

It wasn't until he noticed something behind Lance, across from the abandoned parking lot they had decided would be they're normal slushy date spot. It looked like some sort of opening in between the trees.

"I'm so happy for her though! She finally found her soulmate and she's really nice. I can't remember her name though. It was a bit of an odd name. I think it starts with an R or someting- wait.. Keith? Where are you going?" Lance watched as Keith was getting up and starting to walk towards the opening. He got up quickly, almost spilling his blue raspberry slushy as he chased after Keith.

"What is this place?"

The boys had been hiking down an abadonned barely visible path for what had been a good 15 minutes.

When they had finally gotten to the end of the path, they were welcomed by a clearing. The early evening sun casted a beautiful light on the surrounding trees and creek that flowed in the middle of the area. Over the thigh deep creek at one end of the clearing was what looked like to be an old, abandoned and small wooden bridge covered in graffiti.

Keith smiles as he took in the wonders of the area before him. "This place is amazing." Lance said in astonishment. Keith responded with a nod.

"You wanna hang out here for a bit? Looks like no one has been here in a good couple of months." Lance said, moving towards the stream. Keith smiled as he watched his unofficial boyfriend, sit at the edge of the creek.

Keith sat beside him, admiring the creek for a moment before turning to look at Lance. Lance was too busy feeling the water with his hand to notice the boy's eyes on him.

Keith couldn't help but admire the boy he was able to call his. This beautiful Cuban boy with tanned skin, brilliant eyes and an impeccable smile that continuously makes Keith's heart skip a bit. This boy had made Keith fall so hard and fast, he doesn't think he'll ever get back up again. And that's fine with him.

"What are you looking at?" Lance chuckled, finally noticing the other boy's gaze.

"You." Keith said, no longer embarrased by how long he could stare at Lance. Lance, on the other hand, would still turn a darker shade whenever Keith was blunt, which only made Keith laugh.

"Aw you're laugh is so soft." Lance said, attempting to turn the tables, and ending up successful.

"I'm not soft." Keith said, glaring a bit but the pout on his mouth made him, in Lance's opinion, look even cuter.


"No. No awwws. Stop."

"Make me~" Lance challenged, moving closer into Keith's space.

Keith only glared. He turned to place down his empty cup, then pulled Lance into a kiss. Lance let out a shocked sqeak as Keith pushed him onto his back and pinned him down by sitting on his waist. Lance was enjoying the roughness when all of a sudden, he felt Keith's tap his side's with his fingers. From growing up with siblings, Lance knew instantly what Keith was thinking of doing. He pulled away and stared up at him.

"Don't you fucking dare."

Keith didn't answer him. He only grinned a stupid and mischevious grin.

"AH! Keith NO! Por favor! AY ESPERATE!" Lance squirmed underneath Keith as he showed him no mercy. Keith didn't stop tickling, enjoying the view of Lance in a fit of giggles.

He had to stop eventually or else Lance would've suffocated from just laughing. Keith continued to sit on his waist and just grin down at him.

Lance panted, unable to speak yet. He stayed still, arm over his face as he did his best to catch his breath.

"I'm... going to.. kill you!" He says, moving his arm out of the way and glaring playfully at Keith.

"Oh shit!" Keith got up quickly and ran away. Lance took no time to get up and try and chase him.

Keith continued to slip away from Lance every time he got close. But, eventually, Lance had him stuck in between the old rickety bridge and himself. He still continued to step back towards the bridge, even though there was no way he would be able to get over it. It was so old and worn out that even just a squirrel could make it collapse.

"I've got you now. There's nowhere you can g- wait KEITH!"

Keith had stepped on the bridge, but it was too weak. With a loud splash, Keith fell into the water below him along with the old wood.

Lance couldn't help but laugh as Keith spat out the creek water that had gotten into his mouth.

"You Okay?" Lance asked, still laughing as he helped him to his feet.

Keith nodded. "Yeah I'm okay. Water wasn't too deep."

Lance smiled. But it quickly faded when he noticed something. Under Keith's now tranclucid shirt, Lance could see black, purple and greenish marks all over his skin.

"Keith?" Lance's voice cracked a bit. Keith looked confused so he looked down to see what Lance was staring at. When realization hit him, he looked back up at Lance, fear very clearly in his eyes.

"You weren't supposed to see those...."

Keith may have picked the wrong day to wear white.

I'm sorry but no good story comes without angst! I hope you liked the chapter :)

☆Next Chapter September 1st☆

Meant to be ~ Klance Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now