Chapter 8 ~ Even Closer

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"Can I kiss you?"

Keith stared at him, eyes wide. Did he hear him correctly? Does he wish he did? Keith didn't know what to say but his thoughts were going a mile a minute. That's when he noticed the panic that slowly appeared on the other's tan face. He noticed how his ocean blue eyes widened and his mouth became agape as the realization of what he had just asked probably set in.

"I-I mean! Um... Sorry I didn't mean to say that I was just caught in the moment and it blurted out and I'm so sorry and I-"

Before the panicking boy could finish his scentence, Keith interrupted him with an answer.


Lance froze.


"Yes you can kiss me." Keith said, with more surety.

"Really?" A smile spread across Lance's face.

"Yes." Keith couldn't help but mimic the smile. What can he say? Lance's smile is contagious.

"Okay... close your eyes." The smile widened and so did Keith's as he gently shut his eyes.

He felt soft fingers carefully touch his cheek, hesitant. Then, the fingers slowly turn into a hand. He felt the hand pull him a bit closer as a warm breath mingles with his own. Every thing is slow. And then he feels them. Perfect soft lips press against his probably chapped ones.

And they're warm. Everything about the boy sitting in front of him - the boy who's lips is against his own - is warm. And, without realizing it, Keith had snaked his arms up Lance's chest and around his neck, pulling him closer to get more of that warmth that was radiating off of him.

Then, as soon as it arrived, the warmth against his lips were gone. Confused by where they had gone, Keith opened his eyes.

He was met with blue eyes gazing at him. Even in the dark, they were still amazingly bright. Keith let out an audible sigh in admiration. The grin plastered across Lance's face widens.

"Wow..." he mutters softly. Now it's Keith's turn to grin. He leans in closer and rests his head on the other boy's shoulder. Lance takes no time at all to embrace him tightly in his arms.

"That was.. um.. my first kiss..." Lance mumbles into Keith's hair. Keith's grin spreads wider. "Really?" He asks quietly. "Was I a good kisser?"

Lance let's out a soft chuckle. "Yeah... it was amazing."

There's a long silence that follows. But it's comfortable. Keith is comfortable. He grasps onto Lance a little bit tighter, not wanting to pull away from his embrace. Eventually, he does. Just enough to talk to him though. He looks up at the other boy, watching his eyes.

"Can I give you a second kiss?" He asks softly. Lance only nods, smile never leaving his lips as Keith leans closer and closes the gap between them.

Their second kiss felt a bit different then the first. It felt more confident.... and needy. The kiss was fast yet slow at the same time. It was much longer than the first.

Keith had wrapped his arms around Lance's neck again and he could feel Lance's hands hold him firmly by the waist.

Keith doesn't know how he ended up with his head against Lance's pillow or his back against his sheets. He doesn't how Lance ended up leaning over him either. He doesn't know if he pulled Lance down with him or if Lance pushed him down. He cant remember how or when his flannel was taken off. He doesn't even know where it is now. But, he doesn't really care about knowing the answer to those questions right now. All he cares about right now are the warm lips moving in sync with his own, the smooth hair that was in between his fingers and the soft hands that were slowly sliding up under his shirt.


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When Keith had woken up the next morning, he was greeted by warm arms wrapped around him. Memories of the night before flooded in and a smile couldn't help but cross his face.

Soft kisses and warm touches were all they had done. If it wasn't for the tan arms wrapped protectivly around him, Keith would've thought last night was nothing but a dream.

"Morning." A voice from across the room made Keith snap back into reality. He look for the owner of the voice. It came from Lance's smaller friend, Pidge. She was sitting on her laptop in the beanbag chair she slept in.

Keith sat up quickly, earning a soft groan from the boy behind him. Pidge had now looked up from her computer and was staring at Keith as he mumbled a soft 'mornin'.

"So how was your sleep?" She asks, raising her eyebrows as she gestured towards Lance. Keith looked behind him at the sleeping boy with his arms still wrapped around his waist. He could feel his face start to heat up as he looked back at Pidge.

"We didnt-'s not what you- ..I-" Keith stamers as Pidge's eyebrows shoot even more upward in accusation.

"Piiidge... stop questioning the boy. It's too early." A mumbled voice groans. Keith feels the bed shift as Lance sits up. He expects the arms around his waist to pull away but they don't.

"Lance it's 11." Pidge says over her laptop screen. "Exactly." Keith smiles a bit as the boy mumbles against his shoulder. He can't help but lean back into the sleepy boy. HIS warmth was addicting.

"Hunk made breakfast." Pidge smiles a bit at the two. Keith feels Lance perk up. "Oh a Hunk breakfast? Fuck yeah!" He shouts. He quickly leaves a soft kiss on Keith's cheek as he pulls away and practically sprints out the room.

Keith smiles to himself as he stares at the door. His attention is brought back to Pidge when he hears a laptop close.

"You coming?" She asks. Keith stares at her for a moment then looks down at his hands.

"Um... actually I think I might just go. I really don't want to be a bother." He mutters.

Pidge shakes her head and grabs his arm, pulling him up off the bed. "Nonsense. You can't miss a Hunk breakfast." She says before pulling him out of the room. She stops at the stairs and turns to look at him. "Plus you make Lance really happy. And... I like seeing lance happy." She smiles at him then pulls him downstairs to the kitchen.

Happy Canada day!!! I hope you guys are doing great and I hope you enjoyed the chapter! (Also I hope you liked the art. I'm still not the greatest but I'm proud of it.)

☆Next Chapter will be out August 1st☆

Meant to be ~ Klance Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now