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Everyone knows we all get lonely once in a while. We've all felt alone and longed for attention. I believe that it is your body's natural craving for affection. You know that itching inside you that makes your stomach queasy and your lungs tight? I had once believed that someone who could murder hundreds of innocent people was an exception to the "longing". The moment that Voldemort made his first Horcrux was the moment he lost his humanity, and any longing that he may have had before would be absent forever.

  Never in my 17 years would I believe that the all-powerful dark lord would get lonely. Maybe he wasn't lonely though and maybe the supposed lie I was told about him wanting an heir just in case Potter succeeded was true after all. I could never explain it, however, if there is one thing I am sure of it's that Tom Riddle may have been the definition of perfection, and what made him so cocky was that he knew this. How could a man so confident in himself feel the need for a backup plan such as this? Maybe I will never know, but maybe you could figure it out. Our story begins some years into the past when I was to enter my 7th year at Hogwarts.

   I was 17 and had a load of precious opportunities laid out in front of me. I had a gift, it was my Veela beauty I had inherited from my mother who is half Veela. I also could carry a tune which complimented me pretty well as I could have made it bigger than the Weird Sisters, or at least I'd like to think so. I was looking forward to pursuing a modeling career for "Witches Weekly" which was a popular magazine somewhat like "Vogue" was for muggles. I had already been offered a position, and had a few pictures of me in some magazines posing in irregular or peculiar poses. I was also offered a position as a spokesmodel for the firebolt which I accepted. I was on every ad for the firebolt riding the broom with a huge smile on my face and without my knowledge, at the time my cleavage was partially exposed for all to see. Needless to say, I was angered by this, but.....then I saw my paycheck. Many other......mature magazines had requested a photo shoot with me after that but I declined not only because I was 17 but for the simple fact that I did not want to be known for flaunting my breasts in some grotesque magazine for old men to ogle at.

  I had invested a large amount of my time into my singing career and this was the night I'd finally be on the big stage opening up for the Weird Sisters. As excited as I was I couldn't help but be nervous. This was one of the not-so-many things my parents allowed me to do. They controlled every little thing in my life. I only ever wished to make them proud, an impossible task it would seem. They were deatheaters, and I was to become one too in time. I had been raised to believe that pureblood superiority was very important and all the rage in Slytherin nobility. I tried my best to exceed their expectations of me, but they had taken it too far this time. Word has spread that The Dark Lord required an heir and he had desired me for quite some time. My parents were eager to serve him and gave up my innocence to him as if it was nothing. I was to be impregnated by a monster regardless of the terrible secret that no one but my father knew about me. I was doomed to have Voldemort's child and raise to it to become a demon and to do his evil bidding. The day I found out that this was my destiny was the day I considered myself condemned to an eternal doom.

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