Chapter 7

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    As I trudged through the darkness of the extremely cold corridors I thought about how Tom is nothing like I thought he would be. For starters I thought he'd look more like a thumb and less like a typical attractive guy of the 40's. Maybe he could be agreeable if he isn't pushed too far. He seemed to actually have a sort of sense of humor, I can work with that. He seems like a drag, like a stickler to the rules, and has proven to be very easy to anger. Those are the big drawbacks. I just have to be careful with him and everything should be fine. I hope.

We treaded stealthily through the corridors in the direction of the 2nd floor girl's bathroom. It was actually really frightening to think I was following the future dark lord into a chamber containing a gigantic snake. Maybe this wasn't one of my best ideas. Suddenly I heard a loud booming sound from behind me scaring the life out of me. I squeaked and ran up to up to Tom who had been a little ways ahead of me. I jumped in fright hearing it again and clung to Tom's arm. "Relax, this castle is as old as Chinese arithmetic, it creeks. Now let go," he said shrugging me off causing me to pout but keep up with his pace better. It makes sense, a spooky castle for a spooky boy; fitting. When we arrived to the bathroom Tom hastily walked inside letting the door swing back and almost hit me in the face. I had caught it just in time gasping at his rudeness. "You know you could have knocked me out," I said upon entering the bathroom as Tom whispered something in parseltongue ignoring my complaint. He sure is hot and cold, it's hard to tell what kind of mood he is in at any given time. The top of the sink suddenly began to rise as the sinks shifted to expose a huge gaping in the ground. I stepped forward peering into the dark hole. "Secret tunnel," I sang humorously into the hole hearing it echo to which I laughed until I caught sight of Tom's serious expression. I straightened up and took a step back from the hole. " do we get down?" I asked as he stepped closer to the hole and I followed the suit.

   Suddenly Tom wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him before he jumped into the huge gaping hole in the floor. I shrieked in terror clinging to Tom for dear life as we slid down a dusty cement slide all the way to the bottom. We landed with a thud as Tom plummeted to the ground landing on his feet while I clung to his chest, my legs and arms were wrapped around him tightly. "Could you be any more pathetic Hill?" Tom spat as I smiled bashfully, prying myself off of him. "I'm sorry, but you could've warned me before pulling me down a huge hole!" I exclaimed as I wacked my skirt to get rid of the dust that now coated it. "I didn't think the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets would be a dusty slip n' slide," I muttered as Tom trudged through the bones on the ground.....wait what?! I looked down to see we were surrounded by hundreds of bones. I jumped five feet in the air and hopped like a rabbit through the bones tripping multiple times. "What's with all the bones?" I asked as I tried to avoid stepping on them. "They are the bones of my enemies," Tom said making my eyes widen to which I earned a chuckle from him. "The basilisk needs to eat too you know." I bit my lip and carried on walking, after all they were only rodent bones, I hope.

    He walked to the next entry way stepping up on the lifted platform before turning around and reaching his hand out to help me up. We trudged forward through the cement passage way littered with jagged rocks. This is definitely not what I was expecting. We finally reached a door covered in iron snakes. I marveled at it stepping forward to run my fingertips across one of the snakes. I retreated my fingers as Tom whispered something and the snakes on the door began to move. I gasped and moved back as the door opened and I looked back at Tom for permission to enter. He nodded gesturing for me to go on. I hesitantly walked forward through the short tunnel that ended with a latter down. Tom walked forward placing a hand on my shoulder to stall me while he stepped down the latter. "Come on," he said as he reached the bottom. I looked down at the short, rusty, old latter beginning to regret asking to come down here. Slowly I walked to the edge stepping down on first step. I took another step nearly slipping as I tried for the next one. I suddenly felt his hands on my waist preventing me from falling. I placed my hands on his arms as he lifted me by my waist lowering me to the ground. "Thank you," I said as I dusted off my shirt. I turned around to see the grandest sight I've ever laid my eyes upon. A gasp escaped my lips as I marveled at the magnificent place before me. "Wow," I said as I walked forward. Huge statues of snakes adorned the walls. My eyes focused ahead on a gigantic monument of a man on the wall "Salazar Slytherin," Tom said as he walked forward. "This chamber has been hidden for hundreds of years sitting in wait until the heir of Slytherin returned to continue his noble work," he said. "The heir of Slytherin," I whispered as I thought about the newest heir that is currently growing within me. "I wonder if our baby will be able to speak parseltounge," I wondered out loud as I absentmindedly stroked my stomach. "He will, it's in his blood," Tom said to which I raised my brows. "He?" I asked. "It is sure to be a boy," he said. "I didn't know you could tell the future too," I said sarcastically. "What if it's a girl? Will you not want it?" I asked genuinely concerned. "I don't believe I have a choice in the matter," he said as he walked further into the chamber. "She could be the heiress of Slytherin," I suggested warming him up to the idea of it being a girl. "It doesn't matter what the gender is. This will all be rightfully theirs someday," he said motioning to the dark chamber. "Most people just inherit money this kid gets a whole damn chamber," I said as I looked up at Tom seeing him peering at my stomach with his eyebrows furrowed. "It's so beautiful, how do you ever get over the enchantment?" I asked walking towards him. "You never do I suppose," he said still looking intently at my hand that was caressing my stomach. "This must be so strange to you. Hell you probably never even thought you'd have kids. I don't know if anyone is ever truly ready to have a baby, but I do know that with equal cooperation we could raise an heir that he would be proud of," I said motioning to the great statue of Salazar Slytherin. He met my eyes for only a moment before reaching his hand out and touching my stomach. "We won't be able to feel the baby for a while but they're in there," I said with a small smile. "The newest heir of Slytherin," I said as I took another look at the cement man up front. Tom sharply inhaled through his nose before pulling back and straitening his cloak. "So what are you going to tell your followers?" I asked curiously. "I will tell them it was a mistake, but the only way to bring less shame to my name is to in fact take you as mine. No one will have any question as to who fathers the child if they believe we are courting. Need I warn you Roslyn that what is mine will not be touched let alone pursued by another man. You will stand by me and assist me when need be. In doing this you will officially be under my protection as well as the protection of my followers. Now tell me, have I gotten you confused yet?" He asked me while I was in a state of shock. "N-no of course not," I said trying to process it all. Tom smirked in satisfaction. "I do believe I now truly know why I chose you. You follow orders, and while foolish and clumsy you are pretty easy on the eyes, and you hold a certain appreciation for the cause which is admirable. I do believe this will work Roslyn Hill." So I have a couple choices here, either I stand by him and make things easier on myself thus making things easier on my baby, or I fight this all the way through and see how many languages I can learn to say "ow" in while Tom tortures me for being stubborn. I could feel him becoming more possessive over me making me uncomfortable. I never want to belong to anyone. He talks about me as if I am to be his property. That's the 1940's misogyny for you. If I want to run off into the wilderness at three in  the morning I'm gonna do just that. He cannot possess full control over me, I won't allow it. I won't take this insemination business lying down, as ironic as that sounds. I need to be strong if I am to fulfill my duties to Tom and our unborn child, but I won't be his slave. You can send me back to the 1940's, but you can't take away my rights. I am a strong woman and I will pull through. After a moments hesitation I spoke up. "I know it will Tom Riddle." We stood in the middle of the chamber of secrets like two soldiers in the middle of a war, a war he would start in the name of his hatred for muggles. In this moment it was us against the world, in this moment we were two confused teenagers without a clue of what we were getting ourselves into.

  "Where have you been?!" Maggie whisper yelled as I snuck into the dorm. "Oh you know shagging The Dark Lord, gotta make this as real as I can," I said sarcastically as I got into bed. "Bite your tongue, The Dark Lord would have your head for being so blasphemous!" I rolled eyes and shoved Maggie back as she approached me. "Oh cry me a river," I said carelessly. As far as I'm concerned I'm golden for the time being. Tom doesn't seem to want to kill me anymore so that's a plus. Now all I have to worry about is this "mine" business. I really hope he doesn't take this too far. On the bright side no one will try to mess with me, but the downside is I have to act like I'm in a relationship with the prat. "Oh baby," I whispered as I thought about my conundrum. I guess we will see how this all plays out. Only time will tell what is to become of my child and I. Only time will tell our fate.

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