Chapter 10 Part 2

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I sighed as I scrapped the last bit of slug mucus off the log in the forbidden Forrest. "The fact that they'd make a pregnant girl come out here for this is absolutely absurd," I said as I sat on the log to have a rest. Tom took the more challenging task of tracking down the slugs themselves. Slughorn was given the 'honor' of assigning us our punishments, and collecting ingredients for potions class just happened to be one of them. "I'm freezing," I said as I rubbed my arms trying to regain some warmth. "I told you to wear a better jacket," Tom said in frustration as he walked back and forth between rocks and logs in search of slugs. "I don't have a better jacket," I said as I moved the snail slime around in the glass jar in my hand before placing it down on the ground. I laid my hands upon my stomach as my baby began to kick. "You know I was thinking of the name Afton, if it's a boy," I said suddenly. "That's a peculiar name for child," Tom said as he carefully pushed a slug into his glass jar. "Well what about Stephen?" I asked him. "You will not stick the child with a filthy muggle name," he said to which I rolled my eyes. "Well I think Stephen is a very fine name," I stated. "I can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or a girl," I said gleefully. It's nice to be able to talk about the baby freely without the chance of being overheard. "When should you be able to find out?" Tom asked. "Soon I think, maybe even tonight," I said with a smile."The baby sure is kicking a lot," I said as I watched Tom place the lid on the jar of slugs. "Perhaps they're hungry," he said as he picked up the jar of snail mucus. "Yes perhaps," I said excited by the thought of food. I'm starving! He held out his arm to me to help me get up from my seat on the log.

   Dinner time is my favorite time, I thought as Tom led me into the great hall. People stared at us as we sat down. I sighed as I looked down at my empty dinner plate. "Ignore them," Tom said as he began to place food on my plate for me. I couldn't deny my appetite. I had never been so hungry than I have been recently. I ate the potatoes Tom placed before me and I quite enjoyed them. My spirits seemed to lift as I ate. "Someone needs to lay off the food," I heard someone snicker from further down the table. I dropped my spoon onto my plate in embarrassment. I felt so many stares on me I felt like I was going to explode. I suddenly looked up to see people pointing and having fun at my expense. I feel so humiliated. I got up quickly from my seat not being able to take it anymore. I accidentally knocked someone's books from their hands in the midst of my escape. "Hey watch it jumbo!" They yelled from behind me. Have I gained weight? Why are they tormenting me so terribly? I continued to rush out of the great hall. I felt like I had no more tears left to cry as I stood in the middle of the corridor with my head in my hands. "Why do you let them get to you?" Tom said as he appeared beside me. "How can you not? I can't go anywhere without them staring at me or calling me awful names," I said sadly. "It will blow over and they will be talking about something else in the next few days," he sighed. "Have I gained weight?" I asked him suddenly. "What? No!" He said a little too fast. "You're lying," I said as my eyes welled up in tears. "Roslyn you're having a child," he said in annoyance. "So!" I argued. "Roslyn how are you supposed to have a child if your stomach doesn't grow," he said trying to be logical. "Are you saying I'm getting fat?" I asked him horrified. "Roslyn you look the same as you did four months ago. It is the child that is gaining weight," he said trying to avoid a meltdown. I nodded in understanding as I placed my hands on my 4 month pregnant stomach feeling the round bump that was developing. I wasn't able to hide it as easily anymore. "Can we just go to the library?" I asked. "Yes you had you enough to eat anyways," he said to which I glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him angrily to which he rolled his eyes. "Will you stop taking everything as an attack!" He exclaimed. "Roslyn you are driving me up the wall with your emotions," he seethed. "You are not fat you are pregnant. Did you catch that or do I need to repeat it?" He asked grabbing my shoulders harshly in the process. "Okay okay I get it," I said taking a step back. "Good now would you quit the crying? I am officially over this pregnancy," he said in frustration. "Ha you're over it? Maybe one day you'll have some appreciation for me carrying your child so young," I said in annoyance as I began walking towards the library. I could tell he was nearly at his wits end with me. I'm surprised he hasn't pushed me into a wall or called me something horrid. It's all to protect his plan, and I've learned to accept that for the most part.

  I sat beside him in the back of the library as he became distracted by a book. I watched as his brows furrowed when he came across something interesting and when he licked his lips in anticipation as he read on. Suddenly upon feeling in a playful mood I ducked my head under his arm that was holding one side of the book and snaked my body between the book and his. "What are you doing?" He asked in a monotone voice. "Reading," I said with a smile as I turned to him. "What's that?" I asked pointing to a picture of a beautiful, intricately decorated locket. "That is Slytherin's locket," he said as I stroked the picture up and down with my pointer finger. "Where is it?" I asked him. "That is what I'm trying to figure out," he said as I turned the page to look at the other pictures. "Reading isn't looking at the pictures in the book," he said as I did it once more. "Why would I read it when I could just ask you what it is?" I asked, flicking the page one more time. "Oh what's that?" I asked pointing to gorgeous crystal amulet. "It's charmed to give the wearer courage. It belonged to Godric Gryffindor," he said. "It's beautiful," I muttered as I stared down at the picture. "It's long since been destroyed," he added. "I liked the Slytherin one more anyways. How are you going to get it?" I asked him. "Patience," he said, closing the book leaving his arm lazily draped around me. "I have a potions essay due," I said looking up at him to which he sighed. "And you choose to tell me the night before it is due?" He asked obviously not amused. "Will you help me?" I asked him hopefully. "You write I'll recite," he said to which I smiled happily. Sometimes Tom come in handy, but only sometimes.

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