Chapter 9 Part:2

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       Seeing as Tom didn't get to finish his assignment yesterday because of my.... little episode. He is sure to drag me to the library again today. The girls from my dorm sat around gossiping as I got ready to leave to meet up with Tom as per usual. "Who do you think will ask me to the ball?" Genevieve asked excitedly. "Orion for sure!" Gerty exclaimed. "I don't know Lawrence Mulciber has been giving you the eye," Mildred said suggestively. I laughed along with them deciding to sit with them for a bit. "Avery is sure to ask you Gerty," I said remembering how they spent a few dinners together chatting. "Oh I sure hope so!" She said happily. "And who shall ask me?" I said with smile, wanting to engage in some of the fun. "Um your boyfriend," Genevieve snorted. My smile fell slightly. "Right, yeah," I laughed it off as if I had made a joke. At the mention of this Gertrude immediately got up and rushed to the bathroom. "What's her problem?" I asked to which the girls shrugged. Maybe she was just tired of talking. I got up and grabbed my jacket bidding the girls a goodbye

     I walked to the common room seeing it full of students. Just then I saw Tom walking towards me sporting a grimace. "Is everything okay?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows. "You're late," he said, taking hold of my arm and pulling me towards the door. "Why are you in such a rush?" I asked him as he dragged me down the corridor. "If you could keep the tears to a minimum today it would be greatly appreciated," he said disregarding my question. "I'm hungry," I said ignoring him. "Yes I know Roslyn," he said, clearly not in a great mood today. He led me to the great hall where there wasn't anything appetizing available. "Get what you want and eat it on the way," he rushed me. I looked at him with a sad look in my face. "Don't give me a hard time today," he said with a glare. "I want a muffin," I pouted. "There are no muffins," he seethed knowing my stubbornness. "But I want one," I said sadly. "Roslyn," he said threateningly. Tears began to fill my eyes as he balled his hands into fists. "Fine," he growled grabbing my wrist harshly and pulling me out of the great hall in the direction of the kitchen. He rushed us all the way to the kitchens, when we got there I was out of breath. He quickly disappeared into the kitchen to retrieve my muffin. Oh how I love muffins. Yes he may be angry but at least I will be fed. He appeared once again shoving the muffin into my hands to which I grinned cheerfully. "Thank you," I said before taking a bite of it. He didn't reply as he began to walk off expecting me to follow him. I trialed behind him gingerly as I devoured my chocolate muffin.

     We arrived at the library and I followed Tom to the back sitting at a table while he looked through some bookshelves. I decided to do some homework while he did so. It seemed to be just like this on most occasions, quiet and albeit peaceful I was left to my own devices most of the time. When I was finally done I put my books away and stood up to stretch. Hopefully I don't start to feel sick in a result of eating that muffin. I noticed Tom sat not far from me on a couch reading so I decided to join him. I walked over and slowly sat beside him. "What are you reading?" I asked after a moment's hesitation to which he ignored me. I looked down at my hands sitting in silence beside him. That's when I began to feel that awful feeling in my stomach. I definitely shouldn't have jinxed it. "I don't feel well," I said to Tom. "When do you ever feel well?" He said without sparing me a single glance. "Tom I'm serious," I said in an urgent tone. His eyes drifted from his book to meet mine. He clenched his jaw seeing the urgency on my face. With a roll of his eyes he got up pulling me with him. "Let's go then," he said leading us in the direction of the ladies room. Something just felt wrong as I began to get a sharp pain in my stomach. I cried out in pain as I stopped in my tracks placing my hands on my stomach. "Come on we are almost there," Tom said from beside me. "Something's wrong," I huffed as I hunched over in pain. I began to cry as the pain got worse. I nearly fell to the floor if it hadn't been for Tom catching me. "Something's not right with the baby," I said breathlessly as I tried to hold myself up in his arms. "We should get you to the hospital wing," he said quickly. "No they're going to find out I'm pregnant. We'll be in so much trouble," I said fearfully. "I think I just need to lay down," I said suddenly. "Are you sure?" He asked but I nodded knowing Maggie could help me. "Could you take me back to the common room?" I asked to which he agreed.  "I'm sorry for interrupting you so much," I said beginning to feel like nuisance to him. "I will repay the favor once you have the child," he muttered making me wonder what he meant by that. I guess I'm just happy the corridor was completely empty.

"I'll be patrolling the halls within the hour, if you should need me wait for me in the common room," he said as we arrived back at the portrait. "Okay,"I said before he said the password and beckoned me inside. Still in pain I quickly made my way to my dorm where I met with Maggie about my symptoms. Thank goodness the girls are at dinner. I didn't realize the time went so quickly. At least I get some peace and quiet while I figure out the source of my anguish. This baby sure is beating me up inside and out. That much I know is true of all the things I still have doubts about.

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