Chapter 29

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     My heart is broken on this day, it marks five days since he's been gone. I haven't seen or even heard from him since then. Everyday I look in the paper to find a place to flee, to but I am soon reminded that there's not much I can do with the fifty dollars he left behind. I work morning to night just to stay in this hell. The bed is cold since he left, everything is cold. Never did I imagine that Tom would leave and not come back. How could he just disappear from our lives for nearly a week? It makes me wonder if he'll ever come back.

   Staring blankly ahead at the brick wall infront of me I began to understand what true pain is. It's the loss of someone you love, and the empty space they leave behind. It's the loneliness in your soul, and the empty feeling you get when you think of all the things that used to make you happy. Multiple times I thought of running to somewhere in the wizarding world just to escape muggle England, but there's no where to escape to.

    A stray tear tickled the side of nose causing me to wipe these unwelcome tears. One thing's for sure I just need to stop crying. I stood up from my spot on the bed and began to pace the room. I just want to feel normal again, to be happy. I suddenly caught sight of myself in the mirror. I wrinkled my nose at the grotesque beast I saw in front of me. My hair was a rat's nest, my clothes were composed of nothing but Tom's nightshirt, and the bags under my eyes were disastrous. I frowned at my reflection and attempted to pull at my tangled hair. I growled as I began to get annoyed with how long it's gotten. Everything about me makes me want to cringe. A pair of silver scissors laid on top of the desk catching my attention. I bit my lip before going to retrieve them. Grabbing hold of my blonde hair I closed my eyes and began chopping it off. I grimaced at the image in the mirror when I was done. Placing down the scissors I began to straighten it out and comb it down. I turned my head to look at it from all angles and began to appreciate the new hairstyle. They say one a woman changes her hairstyle they're a different person.

  "I just need to pick myself up," I whispered as I walked to my closet and pulled out the prettiest dress I own

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"I just need to pick myself up," I whispered as I walked to my closet and pulled out the prettiest dress I own. I'm so done with letting this ruin my life. I at least need to try to somehow pull myself together. I need to make this situation better, and with a little charm I think I can do it. Just a little bit of makeup and perfume should make me feel better. No more negative thoughts, this is going to be a good day. In the mirror I tried my best to see the beautiful girl I once knew I was.

   "How about a walk?" I asked as if the twins could understand me

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"How about a walk?" I asked as if the twins could understand me. Just a little more blush, I thought as I looked in the mirror. This is gonna be great, this will be good for me. I suddenly tripped over a sharp object on the floor, I curiously bent down to see my wedding ring still laying there. My heart nearly tore when I was tempted to slide it back on my finger. Thinking of what he's done to us made me give it no second thoughts as I tossed it carelessly on the dressing table. He isn't going to ruin my day, not another one anyway. Ignoring the yelling of that evil cow I strolled out of the orphanage and ont the streets of muggle England receiving many stares. Forcing a confident smile to my lips I strode past the muggles, pushing my beautiful babies in their stroller. My Goal? Finesse someone into selling me their home with my charm. I don't know exactly how I'm going to do this, but if I can get a job, which is another goal of today; I can definitely do this on my own. Who needs a man when you can do it all on your own? A newspaper with house for sale or rent adds circled in black ink, was clutched in my hand as I walked my way to the few houses I could potentially afford with the right connections. All it takes a little thing I learned from my long lost husband, manipulating people is the easiest way to get what you want.

In the shadows just beneath the shade of an old grocery store a pair of eyes stared down the beautiful young woman with just one thought on their mind. Where is my wife going looking like that? The man was staring at her possessively, and glaring at any man who dared to look her way. He was very angry.

It's very late but I couldn't leave the story like that. Also I owed you this update so there you go. Roslyn is putting in work, and Tom is shook!

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