Chapter 13 Part 2

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The morning couldn't come fast enough. Most of the night I stayed awake silently crying as I thought about my life. How could I just sleep next to him after all that has been done to me out of a result of his plan? I just couldn't. It took a minute to hit me, but when it did I immediately regretted marrying this man I hardly know really. As I look down on the ring on my hand I know that I am now legally his to do with as he pleases. Did I not think this through well enough? Now I'm not only bound to him by a child but also by law. In these times marriage meant much more than just a name switch. I am now Roslyn Riddle, wife of Tom Riddle. It sounded so strange to me. I always thought I'd spend my wedding night in happiness but it was spent in tears and fear for my future. A dim light began to illuminate the room and I looked over to see the sleeping face of my 'husband'. On the outside he looked so innocent in his sleeping form, but I know better. In this moment his presence is haunting me, and I have no escape. There's no running away to my dormitory, there's only him and I. A morning chill grazed my shoulders as I sat staring at him as he slept beside me. I had no other choice, and that's what I keep reminding myself.

    Slowly I got up off the bed and shrugged on my shall to cover my shoulders. I quietly made my way to the living area and sat at my wedding gift from Tom. It was so thoughtful, and in truth it meant a lot to me. I should be happy, but I feel so sad. Maybe it's just the Pregnancy hormones, but I can't shake this fear I have in me so deep. I placed my fingers on the piano keys and I began to play. Playing the piano has always eased my mind and I hoped it would do so this time. It was a sad and lonely tune.

I once again felt lost and alone. I have no idea what my life will turn out to be as I am now fully attached to Tom Riddle. I know my parents expected me to have faith in him and allow him to take care of my children and I, but all I can think about is who he will be in the future. In truth I am terrified. I stopped playing suddenly when a tear slipped from my eyes onto the piano keys. I guess I didn't realize I was crying. Suddenly I jumped as I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned to see Tom standing right behind me. "Why are you crying?" He asked as he saw my tear filled eyes. "I don't know," I lied as I turned back around wiping away my tears with my hands. I felt him sit next to me on the stool and I slightly turned to look at him expecting him to lecture me about lying to him. "Teach me," he suddenly demanded shocking me quite a bit. I looked from him to the piano and placed my hands where his should go and played a tune and then waited for him to attempt to replicate it. It was almost perfect as he placed his fingers where mine had been and copied my movements. "Softer," I said noticing how hard he was hitting the keys. He tried again but it didn't quite flow as nicely. I placed my hands over his and allowed them to move with his pressing down on the keys in a fluid motion. We did it like that a couple of times before I moved my fingers. "Keep playing that," I told him as I began playing on the other side of the piano so his rhythm matched mine. It amazed me how fast of a learner he was. If he wanted to he could become an excellent piano player in a short amount of time. I gave him just a short tune yet the way he played it so confidently he could trick you into thinking he had been playing for years. I smiled a little as I continued to play alongside him. We were in perfect synchronization, it was like we played together numerous times before. "That was good," I said as I put an end to the song. This moment made all my scary thoughts evaporate into nothing for the time being. I smiled at him and he looked back at me with an unreadable expression. Our eyes were locked on each other's and I would have begun to feel nervous if it hadn't have been for a loud thump in the room followed by the record player sounding off and loud shrill yell from Maggie.

   I furrowed my brows and looked towards the room before getting up and quickly rushing in. The sight before me made me bust out laughing. A shelf of Tom's books had fallen making my record player go off as they fell on Maggie. She must've been trying to place more of them on the shelf. She was laying on the floor covered in books. "Miss Roslyn?" She said from underneath the books making me realize she could be hurt. I rushed to her side and began trying to lift the books off of her. I suddenly felt a hand on my back. "Let me do it," Tom said preventing me from bending down to help her up, the record player kept playing on as she attempted to get up but slipped once more. I had to hold back my laughter as I watched the scene in front of me unfold as Tom picked up the books as Maggie was slipping and sliding everywhere. Tom made no effort to help her as she fell backwards taking another shelf of books with her. Tom looked at her in annoyance as he took her hand and lifted her her in the air moving her away from the books. I placed my hands on my stomach and ran my fingers across the top of it back in forth as I watched. How did Tom even acquire so many books? Theft probably. Well it's certainly not the worst thing he's done. I moved foreword to stop the record player as Tom continued picking up the books. "Maggie are you okay?" I snickered as I spotted her rubbing her head. "Maggie is just fine Miss Roslyn," She said as she walked out of the room. Well that was definitely a dearly needed laugh, I thought as I began to get a craving for something sweet. "Husband I'm hungry," I said as Tom placed all the books on the desk. "Well wife you should get dressed so we can go to breakfast," he said facing away from me as he arranged his books the way he wanted them. Hearing him call me wife made me smile a little. It was almost like a joke, but I know it's definitely not. "I don't want to go," I groaned. "You're going," he said, placing the last of the books back in the shelf. "Hard to argue with that," I muttered. So this is married life..

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