A RESCUE Together

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The Strigoi closed in fast on us

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The Strigoi closed in fast on us.

Rose was guarding me with her whole body, and I could see the battle fire raging in her eyes. She was determined to fight, to rip them all apart, but we didn’t know the consequences of that battle as the Strigoi had us hopelessly outnumbered.

“Rose,” I pleaded once more, “Go rescue Lissa. I can fend them off.”

“Certainly not,” she hissed through clenched teeth, “Don’t dare put on a brave face and pretend nothing has happened. Your heart knows that you can’t defeat this lot. Why do you try to make me go away? I’m the only thing standing between you and death.”

As much as I hated to admit it, it was true. I didn’t like to be vulnerable, to seek protection from her, when I should be the one protecting her. But due to the irony of fate, she was now thousand times powerful than me and thus I was the one who was in distress, not my damsel.

“So what do you propose that we should do?” I shouted to her.

“Do you still have the dynamite we had brought?” she asked, still focused on the Strigoi, who were screaming for my blood.

“But we need it to break down dungeon walls and all,” I protested.

She turned back for a moment and glared at me, “We need it now, to save you. Hear that?”

“As you say,” I whispered, letting her take charge of the situation.

I knew that she was determined to get us out.

“Take that out,” she commanded, pushing herself, and I back, till my back touched the wall, “Light it and give me.”

“I can’t” I shivered, “Fire could burn you if you plan to set up one. I can’t risk it with you being here.”

“You have to do it Dimitri,” her voice seemed distant, ‘For Lissa’s sake. Hurry up.”

I fidgeted in the pocket of my duster for the dynamite. Deftly snatching up the lighter, I held it in front of me.

The Strigoi were still advancing.

“Rose,” I said, “Get out of the way, away from me and come behind me.”

“I can’t risk you baring yourself to those monsters. They are nothing but predators,” she screamed.

“Fine,” I crossed my arms stubbornly, “With you in front, completely vulnerable to the flames, I won’t light the dynamite, even if it means my death.”

“You’re hopeless,” she screamed, snatching the dynamite from her hand, lighting it and throwing it at the advancing army.

There was a deafening explosion.

“No!” I screamed, lunging at her.

I deftly grabbed her, pinning her to the ground, covering her combustible body with the whole of my body, so that not a spark of the flames reach her.

She surprisingly didn’t protest.
I could feel the heat from the flames as it engulfed the screaming Strigoi.

Soon the screams and shouts died down and I finally let Rose stand up.

She tried to get as fast away from me as possible. Turning back, her hands on her hips, she turned to me, feigning anger, “What the heck was that?”

“Ummm…Nothing!” I looked away, trying to sound innocent.

“What if one among them had somehow escaped and come and grabbed you? What would have happened then?” she demanded.

“Since that didn’t happen, you should try to forget what happened. Moreover being with me for all these years must have made one thing very clear to you. I will protect you always, not matter what the cost,” I defiantly crossed my arms.

She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to look pissed. Finally she shrugged and relented, as her lips curled into a mysterious smile.

“I try to protect you, you try to protect me and we end up in this situation. There is no stopping this madness. I guess, as long as out life goes on, our troubles will never end,” she said, coming closer.

I moved one step towards her and took her in her arms as she buried her face in my chest, “Roza, whatever happened in life, we’re in it together.”

She mumbled something and sank further into my chest, breathing in my scent.

I knew this was dangerous. Her Strigoi self would not be able to resist my dhampir veins. Yet I felt no fear. If were in that situation it was all fate and a sickly humor of destiny.

She pulled back abruptly and my heart sank.

“Dimitri,” her voice was cold again, “You must understand that I’m still a monster, so don’t come closer to me without my permission. It is getting tougher for me, the longer I stay without hunting.

“Fine then, let’s go find Dragozera and escape from here,” I nodded gravely, “And then I’ll free you all from this state.”

“I like that name,” she gave a coy smile as we crept silently towards the castle dungeons.

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