Chapter 1

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September 3, 2014

"Yo! Wait for me, Lils!" I turn around. I see my best friend, Ty. I smirk at him.

"High school waits for no man, my friend." I say, turning back around.

"Cold, babe, cold." He says, elbowing me.

"Who you callin 'babe'?" I say, elbowing him back.

"Aww, come on! Any girl here but you would be honored to be called babe by me." He says.

I snort. "Oh yeah? Hey, Jill, Mac, Nat!" I shout to my other best friends. I run over to them. "Would any of you be honored to be called babe by Ty here?"

"Oh god, anyone but these guys."

"Ah ah ah, you said any girl. Last time I checked, they're girls. So?"

"No." Jill says.

"Nope." Mac says.

"Gross." Nat says, barely looking up from her phone.

"Mmhm." I say, crossing my arms and looking at Ty.

"I could throw you across this parking lot right now."

"Suuuure. Anyway, first day of high school!! Wazzup?!" I say, high fiving Mac.

"So, on a more serious note, what are we gonna do about, you know, the powers?" Jill says.

"Look, your guys' powers can't go away, we tried, so you're just gonna hafta keep 'em hidden."

"Alright." They all say.

You're probably confused. Let me explain. See, it all happened this summer...

"I still can't believe your parents let us all come camping to your cabin!" I say to Jill. I drop my voice to a whisper. "Especially Ty."

"It's okay." She says shrugging. Then with a laugh, she adds, "I just told them he's your boyfriend, so he won't flirt with me." I redden, and jab her in the rib. She laughs with Nat and Mac.

"I can make that believable." Ty says. He leans in for a kiss and I push him back.

"You're disgusting." I say laughing with them. Just then, we hear an explosion.

"The heck was that? Are we under attack?" Nat said.

Mac groans. "We're not near a SHIELD HQ are we?"

"Nah, just a research plant. Don't tell my parents I know this, but I know they use radiation." Jill says.

"And you're sure it's safe here?" Ty says.

"Aww, is the little baby scared? Do I need to hold your hand?" I say.

"I'm not scared, but I'll still hold your hand." He says as we approach the tent. I hit him on the head. We all head inside the tent laughing.

Something happened that night. I don't know the details. All I know is that I was woken up that night by Jill freaking out, and a strange smell in the air, like sulfur or something.

"Jill? It's like, 3 in the morning? What's wrong?" I ask, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

Jill was hyperventilating. "I-I just woke up, from a, a, a noise from the lab, and i heard voices. I was scared, and thought it came from, from outside but it didn't, I checked, and when I woke you up, the voices weren't quiet anymore. I-I'm scared, and right now, I think I'm losing my mind!!" She started sobbing into my shoulder. I held her tight and tried to comfort her.

'My poor baby. If this a trick, I'll hurt someone.' I think. Jill goes stiff in my arms.


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