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Member: Dowoon x Female Reader

Genre: Fluff


You: Lol, for what?

Jae: Come on Y/N shoot first, questions later!

You: uh huh...

Jae: Dowoon's here...and he's asking where you at ;)

You: Okay then, COMING!

I threw my phone down on my bed and immediately scanned my closet for...for what? My phone receives another text at that moment:

Jae: Dress warm, we're out back and it's freezing! OH AND BRING FOOD!!!

You: What do you guys want?

Jae: Popcorn, popcorn would be bomb.

You: You don't have popcorn at your house?

Jae: If I did, I wouldn't ask. Would you mind bring it?

You: Nah, just giving you a hard time! Be there in bit!

I set the phone down once more and rake through the hangers in the closet. I feel giddy over the idea of Dowoon, everyone except him knows of the little infatuation I've been building over a few months for the drummer boy. Our friends find it sweet, as we're the two youngest in the group. We're grouped together unconsciously by the boys all the time so he naturally just sort of grew on me.

I have two tops that I'm battling between. I could wear my hoodie that swims on me and exposes me for they blob that I am or actually have a presentable sweater that may make me cold. I settle on the functional hoodie realizing, I don't really need to impress anyone. I've known these boys for three years; they've seen my sweat rings, have listened to my snores, and have comforted me through many stress-induced ugly-cry sessions. I throw on pair of leggings then pull on a thinner pair of jeans over them, it sounds like overkill but it's in the middle of December so I'm not taking chances! I grasp my keys then realize I've forgotten the popcorn, I grab a few microwave packets from my cupboard and hastily shove them into my pockets before running out the door.

It's a short walk to Jae's house from my own so I don't bother taking my car. I'm sure I'll get scolded as I'm a lady and it's late. I figure that f I'm going to be a target, I'm a target; day or night. I arrive no more than ten minutes after leaving my house and let myself in through the back gate.

"BOO!" Jae shouts from the dark in a poor attempt at scaring me. I shake my head and go in for an embrace that Jae returns, the warm fleece of his plaid coat rubbing my face. The fabric smells of thick smoke. Jae drapes his arm over my shoulders taking me deeper into the backyard.

"Y/N's here!" Jae announces. They all cheer in response and I can't help but feel flattered. They have a fire pit going, the fire is a little piddly but regardless sends ashes fluttering. The boys sit on lawn chairs circling the fire, a small and scattered forest landscape stretching behind them. Brian stands up to greet me with a warm hug. Jae disappears inside with my popcorn.

"So, how long since the party started?" I ask stealing Jae's seat.

"Not long, Brian randomly wanted a fire and then Jae agreed." Wonpil said between nursing whatever drink rested in between his hands.

"For the last time, only Y/N is allowed to call me Brian!" Brian grunts in an exaggerated form of exasperation. Korean isn't my first language, so he allowed me to call him Brian. Pretty sure Jae is in the same boat and it's not like saying Kang is hard but I'm not Brian, only he could explain. Sungjin laughs at Brian without regard.

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