i smile

126 2 4

Member: All but especially Jae and Wonpil

Genre: Sad/Fluff

Inspiration: So, when I listen to a song in another language for the first time--I create a story based on what I feel. To put a name to it, I create a music video in my head! I'm not sure why, but even after knowing the true meaning of the song, whenever I hear I smile, I think of this. It creates a bittersweet feeling and I hope that this fanfic will do the same.

"I'm ready to go!" I say with a wide grin clutching tightly onto the handle of my luggage and drag it to the front door.

Jae hops up from the couch, "Excuse me, you're not leaving till tomorrow!"

Brian rolls his eyes sinking deeper into the cushion, "Not everyone likes packing last minute, Jae."

"You're ready to leave us, huh. I imagined this would be harder for you. I've cried myself to sleep every night since you told us!" Sungjin balls himself up mellow dramatically. Dowoon tosses me a pillow to chuck at his head, I comply.

Everyone breaks out into laughter for a moment but then it settles and in it's place is silence. Silence hasn't been the same since last month when I said I'd be leaving. It's my last day here and I've cramped myself in my room the whole time. All I wanted was a normal day. I wanted Jae breaking a controller while playing video games. I wanted Young K bugging Sungjin so he loses. I wanted Wonpil to sketch in the corner of the room, Dowoon over his shoulder. I wanted to be in the middle of it all, in my place. But instead of mediating and enjoying myself, I cried. I cried because all I could think about is that by tomorrow my place will be empty.

But for now, in front of my precious friends, I smile.

"Y/N, when do you have to leave again?" Wonpil asks from the windowsill.

"Um, early." I reply with a light snort in hope that the silence will fill itself again.

He nods slowly while processing the information. I eye him, taking in every part of his movements. The bends in his limbs, the composure he carries even in his laziest moments, the sweep of his hair, the crossing of his eyes that always makes him look slightly dazed, his affinity for chokers, the way his fingers curve over the keys of a keyboard. I've known Jae the longest, but I think I'll miss Wonpil the most.

Jae clears his throat. "I think we should show it to her now--if there's not time tomorrow we'll regret having never shown it to her."

I tilt my head. "Show me, what? I swear, if you guys put together some corny thing I will personally smack each of you in the neck!"

Jae laughs almost bitterly, a sound I haven't heard much from him. All are in favor of showing me "it" now. What is "it"? Wonpil stands and leads me by the forearm to the middle of the couch, my place. The others shuffle from their place as if they had planned seating, it's odd to see them organized. It feels wrong, I just want things to be normal.

"Guys, this isn't really necessary. I don't expect you to do anything." I plead.

Silence as Sungjin inserts a DVD into the DVR. He navigates the screen until a dark screen pops up, he runs to his seat as an image fades into the frame and so does a song:

It's Sungjin holding a sign and in his nearly illegible handwriting is written, "My favorite thing about Y/N is...she's weird." Following this statement is a series of videos. Me running into a wall while talking to Jae who's behind the camera, Sungjin and I smacking each other for no reason other than the fact that it's funny, a sneaky shot of me acting out scenes alone.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2019 ⏰

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