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I randomly was thinking, what would the groups that I stan be like with a job at Build-a-Bear? 

If you don't know, Build-a-Bear is a place that you can get stuffed animals. First you go in, pick out the non-stuffed skin version of your toy, and take it to the stuffing station. There they make you take a stuffed heart and you kiss it (so it knows how much you love it), rub it on your heart (so it has a heartbeat), twirl with it (so it's silly), and then put it in your toy. They sew it up, you can brush it, then buy it clothes, then you purchase it and take it home!

So here's the Day6 version, I'll do a BTS version too but that's in my BTS Short Stories book.

Without further ado:


- At the stuffing line, tries not laugh while he gives the spiel

- Tries to make jokes but it goes over the kids heads and makes the parents laugh instead.

- Likes older children, wants to toss small ones outside

- Makes comments like: "This is why I'm not having kids." and thinks it'll be received well...

- Tries to steal fluff from the fluff machine, why? He doesn't know.

- Small children try to snatch his glasses

- Kids try to climb on him, W H Y

- Tells children why they should avoid Wonpil

- Stabs himself when he sews up the bear

- Stabs himself when he sews up the bear

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- At stuffing line, gives the spiel with pride

- Wants to hug all the children

- Is afraid of the adults

- Feels like he's doing God's work

- Has too much fun with the stuffing machine, has put stuffing in his mouth

- Wears bright colors

- Gives out free candy

- Adults either think he's sweet or a pedophile

- Adults either think he's sweet or a pedophile

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