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If you've reached this chapter then I'm out of material...for now.


If you like Day6, good writers, and supporting those good writers...
here's an account for you: nmedina984199

Their writing is great and they have a "Brian x Reader & Jae" thing going right now, called In The Night. It's a fantasy and almost sci-fi vibe, I'm not usually into fanfics of that genre because they're really difficult to nail, but they've managed to do a really great job thus far!

Here's an excerpt of the first paragraph of In The Night:

"You walked through the bare avenue and shivered as a gust of wind blew past your bare shoulders. You liked to take long walks alone at night to clear your mind of the thoughts that swam through your mind throughout the previous day. There was something incredibly soothing about the street during the witching hour. It was a silence like no other. A silence that one might mistake for eerie. A a silence that was comforting. A silence that assured you that the world was aware of your presence and made you aware of this by gifting you a scene that was uniquely crafted for your eyes only."

Once again, NOT WRITTEN BY ME but if you're intrigued, check out nmedina984199.


July 4th: They've got a fanfic named "U" about Dowoon and it's the epitome of merry litmas. (Ignore me) Anyhow, read this one if you like a little angst. Young K makes a feature too so hit it up!

October 12th: They Finished "U", it's gooood.

Note: This was not asked for, paid for, or anything of the sort. I truly just have faith in their writing and want to support their account. :) Writing takes effort and they're making quality content for us to enjoy.

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