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Member: Jae

Genre: Much fluff

For: jjokoletjuicy93 aka "Chynna" (I know you didn't tell me your name, I swear I'm not a creepy stalker! I just followed the link to your AsianFics account and happened to find it there! 😂)

Jae will be back tomorrow. Tomorrow, Jae will be in the room across from mine. We'll make dinner together and fight over dumb things and you'll have your best friend back.

Jae left a week and six days ago to go on a guys trip with four of his friends. He said he'd have protested, but--he didn't plan it.

The night he left, I checked the locks about four times before being able to sleep and obsessively shut and locked every window. This lasted for about three days.

Day four, I missed him and I couldn't really understand why. I had a really long, hard day and when there was no one there...I guess it hit me.

I had to start shutting Jae's bedroom door.

Day five, I thought someone was following me to the apartment and began obsessively checking things again.

Day six, a lot of cleaning to forget how alone I am.

Day seven, still crying at night so I had to come up with a plan.

I stole a sweatshirt of Jae's and started sleeping with it. Weird, I know...but he won't ever find out! I'll wash it tomorrow before he gets home and hang it up. The sweatshirt is one that he loaned to me all the time anyways, it was from when he was in high school and it hardly fits him. I could honestly keep it and he probably wouldn't know...

Day ten, sleeping better but I stopped eating well. Forgot to go grocery shopping.

Day eleven, snooped through Jae's room and watched a lot of romcoms.

Day twelve, realized that I trashed the house and have to clean it again.

Today, I basically just made sure everything was perfect in the house and ate a lot of crap.

Tonight, I curl up in bed at 3:00 am, Jae doesn't let me stay up late because he says I fall asleep in random places. He's not wrong, I've woken up on the couch many times this week but managed to get to bed tonight. I tuck Jae's sweatshirt beside me and just then I start hearing weird little clicking noises. I try to ignore it but slowly it gets louder, it's the front door. Maybe it's in my head, maybe it's like all the other noises that I heard the rest of the week.

But somethings gnawing inside me, it's not in my head.

I stand up slowly, my heart thumping so wildly it's as if it's knocking the wind out of me each time it contracts. Is it Jae? It could be, but he said he wouldn't be home till tomorrow. Even if he was early, he'd give me a heads up. I'm terrified and it's pitch black. I whip Jae's sweatshirt over my head, grab my phone, and feel my way into the closet. I dial the police clutching the phone so tightly my knuckles ache to straighten.

"What is the emergency?"

"There's someone in my house. I-I'm alone and there's someone in my house."

"There's an intruder in your house?"

"I-uh-no, no not yet. There is someone at my door and--" I pause taking in a shaky breath.

"They're inside." My voice sounds like a squeak, tears swell and roll down my face.

"They're inside?"

"Yes, please help me." I whisper. My stomach feels empty, I can hear footsteps.

Only now am I really sure that it wasn't just me hearing things. It's real, it's very real and I can hardly breathe.

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