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I was walking by a river when I met you. 

It was a sunny spring day

So I took a walk

I found a river along the way and decided to walk along it

That was a mistake

But one that I will never regret.

I saw a boy sitting there with his feet splashing around

That boy was you

I went up to you and started a conversation

I don't know why I did, you just looked so interesting

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung." Is all you said

I loved your name right away

"I'm Park Jimin." I said holding out my hand

When you shook it I could see how big your hand was compared to mine

You laughed when you noticed

Smiling with that box smile

It made my heart feel all soft

You were beautiful in every way

I sat down next to you and took my shoes off then dipped my feet in with yours

We sat in a peaceful silence for awhile

It was nice, we didn't need words

We both just sat there until sunset

I took out my Polaroid and snapped a photo of it

We eventually had to go but exchanged numbers

I smiled looking at the text you sext

We were only a few feet away


Tae: I'll show you my elephant sometime. K? 😜🤫🐘

Jimin: I can't wait to see it

I like writing this sweet cheesy stuff 😋
Idk how I came up with this but I always wanted to write something in this style.

Tannie love! (= x =)


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