Gay isn't a sexuality, it's a life style (Vmin side stories!)

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Hello! So the full chapter is longer than anticipated and that means it's taking longer. With all the deep dark depressing stuff that's happened recently I felt like some Vmin fluff! That's why I bring you this! A collection of three lil Vmin fluffs! Their all pretty short but sweet. It's basically little ideas I've had. Enjoy! 😉


Can I have some Mochi?

"Hey Jiminie?" Taehyung stepped closer to Jimin tilting his head slightly down to look at him with a innocent smile.

"What is it Tae?" Not wanting to be looked down on, Jimin lifted his heels to stand on the balls of his feet rising to Taehyung's level staring him straight in the eyes.

"I'm hungry. I feel like something small, soft, squishy, and sweet." The smile on Taehyung's face just kept growing as Jimin's face twisted in confusion.

"I don't know if we have anything that fits that." He sighed rubbing his temple putting his left hand on his hip. "I guess we can look thouoo—!"

Taehyung had pushed Jimin's cheeks in making a fish face before pulling them out pinching the flesh a bit. He let go after a good minute. Jimin rubbed his cheeks that were quite red and a bit swollen after the pinching and stretching.

"Hey! What was that fo—" He was cut today off once again but by a pair of lips pressing against his and hands on his hips. On instinct, Jimin found himself wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck gladly kissing back.

"I wanted mochi, and it's been sitting in front of me for years. Jimin mochi is my favorite after all." Taehyung mumbled into the kiss.

"Well, all I crave for is you."


A/N: This ones the shortest. The other two are a bit longer.



"Taehyung, am I good enough for you?" This happened a lot to Jimin. He went through little phases sometimes when he felt like he wasn't good enough for the world. Not depression, just extremely low self esteem. Jimin always kept his insecurities to himself most of the time but he felt like Taehyung would leave him at some point this time. It was worse.

"Don't you dare even say that. Of course you are. I would want nobody else." Taehyung stood proudly with his hands on his hips with his legs apart in some weird superhero pose. "Why would you ask something like that?"

"I feel like I don't deserve you. Your so handsome and could get whoever you wanted so why choose someone like, me?" Jimin's gaze never met with Taehyung's, he kept his head firmly down, eyes narrowed on the floor. The words left him shocked but he was more annoyed at them.

"Park Jimin. I want you to listen up. Don't you ever say something like that again. Your a beautiful person that I love seeing every day and I feel so luck to have you in my life. I swear if I hear you saying something like that again I'm not gonna say anything to you, I'll have to show you how much you mean." They were only words but they were forever stained in Jimin's heart. Taehyung forcefully lifted Jimin's head up too look at him and pressed his forehead against his.

Taehyung held him in a tight embrace sending everything he couldn't put into words through it. Neither of them said anything, they just stayed like that for awhile enjoying each other's presence and warmth. Just like that, Jimin felt better.


Dancing doesn't have to be perfect to be special

Taehyung had always known Jimin danced, but what came along with knowing that was knowing that he was a perfectionist. He was in anything he really loved but was harder on himself when dancing more than anything else. With that being said, he never let Taehyung see him dance. Jimin had said to him once, "I'm not good enough yet. I wouldn't be able to preform something I'm proud of."

One chilly winter afternoon, Taehyung was taking a little stroll in the school looking for his significant other. He looked in his last class, asked around, went outside on the field, and had looked on all the floors except the 5th floors last room. The drama room. As Taehyung got closer to the door the sound of music got stronger until he reached the knob. Right as he opened the door his ears were flooded with soft ballet music, scripts and costumes were all around the sides of the room, in the middle of it all was Park Jimin who didn't even notice the door opening.

He stood in the center of the room in a arabesque, then started a chain of chaine turns only to sashay into a aerial landing sliding into a split stretching both arms out slowly. All Taehyung could do was stare at him. His facial expression, the delicate movement and placement of both his hands and feet, and most of all how graceful he was. He always knew Jimin to be clumsy and being easily flustered so to him, this was a totally different side of Jimin. When the music ended Taehyung couldn't help but clap. Jimin's head spun around meeting Tae's gaze.

"T-Taehyung!? What are you doing here? What did you see?" Any gracefulness that was in Jimin's body completely left as he flailed his arms around muttering out nonsense that couldn't even be classified as words or letters of any sort. For a moment Taehyung couldn't believe his eyes, 'He just went from some beautiful swan to some mutant creature!' 

"That was beautiful you pabo!" Being Taehyung, he ran up to him and squeezed the living daylights out of Jimin.

"Can't! Breath!" Jimin just managed to squeak out. When Taehyung realized he was going to suffocate him in love he quickly let go and went into panic mode.

"Did I hurt you? Should I call a ambulance? Take you to a hospital? What about a lung trans—"

"No no no! Jeez. But why did you have to see that...." A pout graced Jimin's face as he twiddled with his thumbs.

"Well I wanna see you dance more because your amazing! I won't allow you to say no, I'll find I way to see somehow." With a boop to the nose and a little wink Taehyung skipped out of the room. Not for long though as he stuck his head back in, "Come on! We're walking home!" And he was off again.

"That stupidly lovable weirdo." Jimin muttered before walking out to follow the little strange light in his life.

I've had too many of these... well this last one was a bit longer than the other two because of my head that's filled with PLOTS! The full chapter will hopefully be out next week. If delayed any longer you'll know!

Tannie love! (〜 ̄△ ̄)


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