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Taehyung❤️: Can I trust you?
Can you trust me?

Me: Taehyungie, what are you talking
about? Of course I can trust you.

Taehyung❤️: ...

Me: Taehyung.

Taehyung❤️: .............

Me: Taehyung!

Taehyung❤️: ..................................

Me: I'm coming over Tae.

Taehyung❤️: No. Don't.

Me: I'm coming.

You had told me where you lived.

It was the first time I went over

I'll never forget it.

I can't.

Even if I tried.

"Eomma! I'm going to Taehyung's!" I yelled sprinting out the door.

"Okay! Tell him I say hi" My Eomma shouted at me waving goodbye.

So I ran.

As fast as I could to your house.

When I finally got there I was a panting mess

After a couple deep breaths I knocked.

No answer.

So I knocked again.

No answer.

When I went to knock a third time.....

There was a scream and a crash.

In absolute panic I twisted the door knob

Luckily, it was open.


I regret coming over to your house that day

But at the same time I don't


I stuttered unable to move out of fear. The fear of what I saw.

You didn't even look at me.

You kept your eyes glued to the floor.

A broken bottle laid at your feet

Along with a man

A woman cried in the corner

Your body had blood all over

Eyes completely dull

"Jimin. Don't look."

That was all you said.

But I saw how much you were hurting.

The pain in those dull eyes.

I ran over and hugged you

I didn't care if I got blood on me

I'm glad I did because you started crying

Letting everything out.

"M-my father, I killed him! I'm a m-murderer! A-a mon-m-monster!"

I just let you sob into my shoulder and held you

The woman in the corner left at some point

I wasn't paying attention.

The tears didn't stop for awhile

Once they did you still clung to me.

I still held you.

"Taehyung, you're not a monster. Your my beloved friend."

Don't worry, we're not close to the end and the rest of the story isn't going to be all depressing and sad.

Tannie love! (*'ω'*)


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