Run (Full chapter)

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"Taehyung, are you..... depressed?" Right as the sentence left my mouth I could feel my throat dry up. Taehyung didn't say anything for a moment, he just stared at the ceiling with his hands behind his head thinking about what I said.

"Depressed? Now that you say it, I guess I am." His words sound so flat. Empty. I didn't like how he said something so important that simply.

"When did you start feeling like this?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. Taehyung was always so carefree and childish. Then again, I never knew his family situation. He started thinking again, looking back on his memories. I guess it would be hard. He just got done with questioning I felt bad for asking more.

"When my Appa started abusing me and my unnie. One night 10 years ago when I was 7, Appa came in really drunk and he suddenly started beating up unnie. It was after my Eomma had passed. I was so scared, she told me to run and hide so I did but the past couple of years I've been protecting her. I guess I've never been fully happy since that day." There was so much hurt in his voice. It must have been the first time he had ever told anyone about what went on at his home. "The river was my escape from home, my calm place." Taehyung went on, "then you showed up Jimin. I hadn't smiled in a long time yet in the first day we met you had me smiling again. Being with you made me forget all the pain that went on at home. It felt like a different world, now I'm here living with you. I'm sorry I'm such a burden. Home, home is with you. No— home is you Jimin. I haven't had one is such a long time. Thank you, really."

Everything Taehyung had just said made me realize how hard it must of been. The pain he had been suffering from for so long, and he suffered it alone. Before I knew it hot tears started to run down my cheeks. "T-Tae, why didn't you tell me sooner? I could've done something! Or—"

"Park Jimin." His expression was serious and his voice was deep and commanding as he said my name cutting me off. After Taehyung got my attention he smiled and wiped the tears that started to slow down away. "After everything I just said about you... you still think you didn't do anything for me?"

That's when everything started to process through my mind. I saved him? I was his safe place? After some thinking I finally found the words I wanted to say. "I'm glad I decided to talk to you that day. I'm glad I kept in touch with you. I'm glad I can be your home. I'm glad your my friend and that I did something to help you." I grinned back at him and to my surprise I found him hugging my abdomen. Tae's eyes were closed and he was still smiling.

"I'm glad too." That was the last thing he said before falling into slumber. Detaching Taehyung from me was harder than expected. At first I just tried pulling him off but his arms were latched on too tight. Pulling his arms apart took all of my strength and he never woke up during my prying. It was pretty impressive. Once I finally got him off me I was able to lay down and fall asleep myself.


"Jimin! Jimin! Jiminie pabo!" I woke up to Taehyung shaking me screaming my name in my ear. Seems he's a morning person. I slowly opened my eyes to see him with that boxy smile plastered on his face and messy bed hair. Still looked unreal though. That's just how Tae was.

"I'm awake Tae Tae. Why are you so energetic and excited?" With the morning sleepiness still in my system it took a lot of my strength and willpower to sit up. He looked happy even though it hadn't been that long since the 'incident'. At the time I thought it wasn't that hard to get him to cheer up. Three words. I. Was. Wrong.

"Your Eomma is making pancakes! She said it was your Halmoni's secret recipe! There's bacon too! So much greasy crunchy goodness! Jiminie you can't be sitting in bed unless you want me to eat your share!" Then I started to understand why he was so excited. I bolted out of bed and downstairs getting closer to food, I could hear Taehyung followings me down.

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