Cotton Candy

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That describes you so well

That day we were eating it at the park

That's when you decided right?

Ahh yes

You told me that day you wanted to dye your hair

Luckily for us Ajumma worked at a hair salon

"Ajumma! Can you dye Tae's hair?" I yelled over as we ran through the door to the salon

She said yes of course for her favorite boys

Since your hair was so dark she had to bleach it, you were a blond bean

Still looked good

You decided on going with a bright blue

Blue cotton candy was your favorite

Mine was pink

"Jiminie! Dye your hair with me! I'll be blue cotton candy and you'll be pink!"

That's how my hair ended up pink

Because of you

Tae, you always pushed me out of my comfort zone

It was nice to take the dive

Blue looked so good on you

I liked the pink in the end

Ajumma said we looked like a cute couple

I saw your face turn pink

Like my hair


Why did you have to be so cute?

So alluring

So you

If you weren't then you would've found happiness on your own

Yes, it was you

Not me

It wasn't

It wasn—

It was.

TXT's debut is so soon! Ugh I can't wait! Also Hobi's birthday has just recently passed so happy birthday to our beautiful sunshine who really deserves everything! Sorry I can't update too much, I start a part and then I just leave it for a bit because I can't think of anything. So sorry about that. School has also been busy.

Tannie love (-_-)zzz


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