Love (Full chapter)

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After that night when it rained, I started to appreciate everything about you 10 times more. The way your tongue would poke out a little, that cute beauty mark under your nose, the pouty face you made when eating, how you absolutely had to hug something when sleeping, everything. Everything about you was perfect. I didn't care that you had tainted hands, I wanted to share that burden with you and take some of the weight on your back. But you never let me. It hurt me knowing how much you beat yourself up about it, you tried to hide it but every once in awhile it slipped through.

Taehyung, I loved you so much it hurt. It hurt me so much loving you but I didn't mind the pain as long as I was with you.

I'm sorry I made things awkward, that one night.

"Jimin-ah, do you know why there are stars in the sky?" you asked while laying in bed looking out the window at the dark night sky that glowed from the moons light and the little specs surrounding it.

"Well stars form inside dense concentrations of interstellar gas and molecular clouds, the star forms whe-" I was cut off by your hands covering my mouth stopping me from my lecture.

"No Jiminie. That's not what I mean. All the stars in the sky are the souls of people, there's always a light in people. Sometimes it's very tiny and other times you can see it from miles away. When you die that light in you becomes a star shining brightly in the sky. My Eomma used to always tell me that when I was little, I think she was right. I believe her words." the soft moonlight that came in through the bedroom window illuminated your face giving you a even brighter glow than usual.

A small smile graced your face, it was a sad smile. I was so scared to touch you, afraid that if I did you'd break and disappear from my grasp.

"My Appa, I don't hate him. He fell into a really dark bad place after Eomma died, I'm not saying what he did to me and my unnie was right or that I don't blame him but I don't resent him. I don't blame my Eomma for making him the way he became either. What Appa did was unforgivable but what I did was too." silent tears fell from your face as you looked up at the sky. "I don't deserve you Jimin, you shouldn't have taken a killer like me in, I only burden you. I'm okay if you hate me."

"Kim Taehyung! I don't hate you in the slightest! You're always so bright even though I know you always hurt inside. The strength you have is unimaginable, you just being here with me brings me so much joy. I'm happy that you're in my life and I don't want you to ever leave. I'll never hate you Kim Taehyung," I sat up pulling you with me grabbing your shoulders to look you in the eyes. Tears still fell from your face but you didn't make a sound. "Never hate yourself Taehyung. Know that there are people that love you. The Hyungs and that brat Jungkook."

"What about you Jimin? I'm always here bugging you." a soft laugh left your lips as you starred back at me wiping away the tears that slid down your face.

"Tae..... I love you the most," in the moment I don't know what took over me or what gave me the courage to do what I did but I'll never regret it. I remember it al vividly, the feeling of the first time I kissed you. I could feel your eyes starring at me wide open, but somewhere along the line I felt your long lashes drift down as your eyes closed. Everything felt so right. Your lips molding perfectly with mine, it was like the whole world lit up and suddenly every color was more vibrant. Then we both pulled back, faces flushed and breathing heavily for air, "do you get that I love you yet?"

"I don't think so..... could you show me again?" you smiled raising your eyebrows cheekily. I scoffed but quickly gave you a peck. Those lips of yours then formed a pout and you turned to sit away from me.

"Tae Tae, c'mon. I promise I love you! Please look at me!" I pleaded back hugging you burying my face into your shoulder. A small chuckle came from you and before I knew it I was pushed down on the bed as you started tickling my sides. "Ah! Mhmmm pffff hahaha! Tae, s-stop!"

"Never! This is payback Park Jimin," The tickles kept coming making me cry from laughing so hard, then you stopped only to place your mouth on my collarbone. You sucked lightly leaving a lavender mark. "Love tickle."

I just looked at you dumbfounded, not totally processing what had just happened yet, "Wha? Huh?" you giggled at me and flopped down on the bed as well pulling me into your chest, "Tae?"

"Jimin-ah, I love you too. Never leave me okay?" you asked snuggling up against me.

"I'd never even think about it Taehyung. I'll be with you forever and always." I whispered tilting my head over my shoulder to kiss the tip of your nose.

The whole world was peaceful that night. It was nice. Neither of us had really had peace much after the incidents that happened. I feel like fate never wanted us together, maybe we should've listened but I really hoped we could change fate.

Fate is a strong force. Maybe we couldn't have done anything from the start.

Wow I'm so sorry this took so long! I've been working on so much stuff, I really do have too many drafts. I'd like to put out some more books though. Maybe some in this style? I'm not sure yet but thank you for sticking the wait out!

Tannie love ♪('ε )


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