Chapter 5

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"The Gardens."

I look up and notice Ismena walking towards me. She has a small smile on her face and something strange in her hands. I look back to the view I've been taking in for the last five minutes. It's beautiful. I know Gran would have loved it. There is a maze of grass and flowers, and a pond in the center. I take note of the statues surrounding the gardens.

Menacing looking dragons.

"It's beautiful," I murmur. Ismena smiles brighter, handing me the object in her hand. I eye it in confusion. The soft fleshy texture reminds me of meat, but it's cold. And smells sweet.

"It's a grapefruit," she says. I raise a brow at the mention of fruit. It looks nothing like the fruit we have back home. I raise it to my lips, popping it in and biting on it. Juice immediately fills my cheeks, and I can taste the bittersweet fruit. I like it.

"Louise told me you barely ate breakfast this morning. I thought I'd bring you something," she says softly. I smile at her.

"Thank you," I say. It's been a week since my arrival here. I've heard nothing from anyone of my purpose for being here, nor have I heard from the king again. Each time I ask someone about him, they get wide eyed and tight lipped. All saying the same thing.

"No one sees the King."

How can they serve someone that they never see? And why? I don't understand why everyone fears him so much. He didn't seem terrifying when I was in his room. He was actually very patient with me. But he did have me blind-folded when he first came to the throne room, and he made the room pitch black when I spoke to him. Maybe he looks terrifying.

I look at Ismena, but the moment I go to open my mouth, her eyes widen and she drops her gaze. Her hands immediately clasp in front of her and she bows holding her position with her head lowered. I turn to see what it is she is doing this for, and see a group of men coming our direction. Judging from their attire, as well as their guard, they are leaders.

You can see it radiating from their every pore. The entitlement. The arrogance. The greed. They are being followed by a guard of men that all wear their insignias. In total, there are three different kingdom leaders here. Two of which are old men, with gray beards, and the one that keeps his gaze steady looks young.

They continue their walk, and Ismena stays bowed as they come toward us. The older man dressed in red glances our direction, and does a double take pausing when he sees me. His eyes widen.

"An Ikniri?" he says in confusion. The man next to him is pulled out of his arrogant bubble, and looks at me as well. His eyes widen, too.

"I thought they were extinct," he says.

"I thought the king rid the world of them long ago." My gaze narrows in irritation. I'm sick of people speaking of me as if I'm not even here. They gaze at me expectantly, before one of them speaks up.

"Ikniri. You are to bow to your superiors," the first man speaks up. I look around, and bring my gaze back to his.

"I see no superiors of mine anywhere," I snap. His arrogant smile falls and he begins stalking towards me.

"Why you arrogant little..."

"Darius." We all pause as the voice rings across the hall. I look in the direction of the voice to see the man that was standing outside of the king's room walking towards us. He still has his weapons strapped to his back.

"Caius." Darius stands straight as the man he called Caius comes closer.

"The Ikniri is a guest of the king. He won't take kindly to you putting your hands on her," he says. His tone is sharp causing Darius to turn visibly red.

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