Chapter 10

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When I was younger, I ran away from the village on more than one occasion. Once, while I was in the forest, a black bear happened upon me. It stood on its hind legs, showing me how tall and brutally strong it was before roaring at me in a threatening manner. I had felt so much fear in that moment, I thought that I was going to die. My throat was locked up as if the breath itself had escaped me. My legs felt as if someone had replaced them with thin twigs, barely able to support me. And my heart felt like a hummingbird fluttering wildly in my chest.

I vowed to myself I would never, ever feel that way again. I would never fear anything. I would train and grow strong and be able to take down anything that came my way. Until today, right now, in this hour.

As I stare at Cassians face, I feel nothing but fear. Crippling, paralyzing fear. And for the life of me, I can't seem to comprehend why.

Cassian is a very attractive individual. His skin is smooth as marble, and his lips are well defined on his terrifying face. His jaw is as sharp as my blade, and I can see the soft indent of a dimple on his left cheek. His hair is black. So dark, you might get lost in it if you stare too long. And his eyes; the things that are keeping me captive in this very moment.

They are black like Xavien's. Where the whites of his eyes should be is completely black, followed by gray eyes with blood red circling his pupil. There are emblems on his face, only on one side around his eye and I see them alongside his throat and disappearing into his robes. I feel my legs shaking beneath me, and my breathing is stuck in my throat. My chest is burning from lack of oxygen. I can't breathe. That's how afraid I am. There's only one word flashing through my mind right now.


He smiles, causing that dimple to deepen on his cheek.

"I won't hurt you," he says. Somehow, his voice sounds more sinister now that I can see who he is. It's as if his words are taunting me, not trying to soothe me.

"I... I..." I can't say anything. He laughs softly to himself, reaching out and pushing a stray strand away from my face. My flesh is burning from his touch.

"This is why I wanted to takes things slower. I knew this would happen," he says softly. He reaches underneath my legs, lifting me up off the ground to carry me across the room. He sits me softly on the bed, laying my head back against the pillows. He then turns away from me allowing me the perfect view of him from behind. His hair is long, kept together past his waist by a loose tie.

Even though he walks away, it's as if his essence linger in the room. It's overpowering. He comes back to the bed with a basin in his hands and a blank expression. He gently dips cloth into the water, ringing it out before placing it gently against my cheek.

My skin welcomes the feel of the cool water. He does the same to my forehead and the other side of my face. He's seem very intent on his task, his eyes roam over my face as he works.

"It's natural what you're feeling," he says.

"Fear," he clarifies letting out a deep breath.

"It's in your blood to know. But your mind has no way of comprehending why you're feeling this way," he says. He reaches over me, placing the cloth back in the bowl. My body is still trembling even though he's done everything to soothe me. I can't control myself in the slightest.

He stands with his back to me pulling at the ties on his robes. I watch silently as he pulls them apart, letting the fabric fall to the floor. My eyes widen as I take in his naked back. The symbols run down from his throat crossing over his shoulder and on to his back. But I also make out what looks like two long scars that run along the length of his back. My eyes narrow as I try and make out what it could be, but he faces me. He then makes his way around the room blowing out the candles until there is no light but the soft glow from the fireplace.

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