Chapter 26

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Twenty Years ago

"How long will we cower in these mountains? This is not our purpose! This is not what we were created for!" I can hear the muffled voices of my parents beyond my walls. I rub my eyes, sleep eluding me the more I try and catch it. My parents never fight. They always get along, always look at each other with love and understanding. This is the first I've heard it.

I pull back the blanket, placing my feet on the floor. A whine sounds from the corner and I see Tikaani looking at me with a cocked head. I hold my fingers to my lips.

"Shhhh." His tail wags a fraction, but he understands my request and lays his head back down. I walk to the door, placing my fingers against it and pushing it open. I walk along the halls, following the sound of my parent's voice. I pass by what used to be my brother's rooms.

Kesuk and Siku. Twins. Inseparable since birth. But Kesuk married a woman from our tribe in the flatlands. And Siku is of age. A warrior. Both of them have moved out and have their own homes here in our village. Yet they are still inseparable.

I smile remembering the prank Siku let me in on the night of Kesuk's wedding. Father was furious, but Kesuk was understanding. Kesuk is older by five minutes, but he acts like he is older by five years. I tiptoe until I am within earshot.

"These are the demands, Nela. We must obey them." My father's voice sounds wary. Like he's tired of explaining. It's the same tone he uses with me when I ask him more than five questions at a time.

"You're ready to obey these... monstrous demands? She's a child, Ti'yon." My mother sounds angry. Very angry.

"Since when do we take demands from the Dragonborn, huh? Since when do they command us? We command them, Ti'yon!"

"That was in the old times Nela. Things are different now."

"So different that you would readily sacrifice your daughter to those beasts?"

"If it means the survival of my people, yes!" I jump, hearing my father yell. He never yells at mother. Ever.

"One for the many, Nela. We knew this would be a possibility. It was one of the terms of war," he says. I hear a sob.

"But... she's so young... so innocent...," she cries. It takes me a moment to realize they're talking about me. I feel fear brewing inside of me. Sacrifice me? What for? What did I do wrong for my father to want to get rid of me?

"I know. This isn't my first choice. But it must be done. So that we may keep the peace," he says. I slowly back away from the room, and take off down the hall, tears stinging my eyes. I sprint down the hall, passing my room and heading for the door, pushing it open and flying out into the snow.


Family meetings. We used to have them a lot when the twins were still at home because they caused all kinds of mischief around the village. But since they grew up, our meetings are rare.

We're all sitting around the hearth in our birth home. The wolves are in the corners asleep. Kesuk didn't bring his wife. And Siku looks nervous.

"I've asked you all to be here, because of a request we have received from the Dragonborn." My father says slowly. He's barely spoken to me since that night. He doesn't even look at me really. And my mother is always at my side rubbing my hair, hugging me.

Kesuk is the first to respond.

"Are you certain this is something Neytiri should be here for? She is only a child, father," he says. I make a face at him, but my father isn't amused.

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