Chapter 9

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I'm at a complete loss for words as I stare at the man in front of me. He's beautiful. His strange gaze shifts away from me to Caius's approaching footsteps.

"I'm so sorry-" The stranger holds up his hand, cutting Caius off. He smiles, revealing abnormally sharp canines. His face is like an angel. His nose is straight, and his jaw is sharp. His hair is pale blonde and held out of his face with a single braid. His eyes are the strangest I've ever seen. They are dark. The area that should be white is completely black, and his eyes are light gray with blood red around the iris.

"That's quite alright. It's not every day that you bump into an Ikniri," he says. I'm still at a loss for words. He notices immediately and chuckles softly.

"I was just heading to the study, would you like to join me?" he asks holding is arm out for me. Caius pipes up behind me.

"She was just heading back to her room, Xavien." I see Xavien's smile drop and he looks at Caius with irritation plastered on his lips.

"I didn't ask you, did I?" he snaps. Caius is quiet but bows his head in submission regardless.

"No." I look between them in confusion. Caius is being strangely obedient. Xavien smiles again, turning away from Caius placing his hand along the small of my back.

"Come..." He trails off waiting for me to fill in his loss for words.

"Neytiri," I say. He smiles again. It's so contagious, and I can't help but want to follow him. Just to be near him.

"Neytiri. I would love to know how you managed to make it this far into the west kingdom without my knowledge."

We head through the winding hallways of the castle and I feel my mind wondering if I've made a mistake in following this stranger. He leads me through two large double doors and into what looks like a massive room filled with books that I assume is te study.

I look behind me at the door as it slowly closes behind us reigning in my panic.

"If you're uncomfortable, you're more than welcome to leave. I would hate for you to feel anything but welcome in my presence," he calls over his shoulder. I face the sound of his voice to see that he's taking a seat behind a large wooden table with books, scrolls, and other objects stacked on top of it.

"Please. Have a seat." He smiles softly before putting his head down to write. I silently take a seat in front of him, my eyes roaming around the room with interest.

"Do you like it? I only just acquired this land, but soon enough I will be able to have what was once mine," he says. I look at him in confusion.

"Acquired?" I ask. He nods, pulling a scroll from its resting place to reveal a map. He points to the now green section of the map.

"Rykun is just a figurehead, so as not to scare the people into rebellion. It isn't time for them to be aware that their king has fallen," he says simply. I take note that he is watching me very closely as he gives me this information.

"Rykun isn't the king?" I ask. Xavien laughs above me. It's loud and delightful.

"Of course not. He is only good for stirring the pot from time to time. But a king? No," he says. I look at my hands.

"Then... why did Cassian want his support?" I ask. Xavien raises a brow at me.

"Like I said, Rykun is a figurehead. Everyone on the outside sees Cassian speaking to Rykun, but Rykun reports back to me." He looks at the ceiling as if in thought.

"So, I guess you would say Cassian needs my support," he smiles.

"Support in what?" I ask. He places his finger under his chin as if in thought.

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