Chapter 21

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"On my honor, I will get you out of here."

Caius's words have been echoing in my ears for the past few days. The sincerity and drive he had in his voice when saying that has stuck with me, because it's the only hope that I have of getting out of this place. He is the only person that has shown me that he cares enough to not look the other way when it comes to Cassian's wrongdoings.

Cassian summons me when he wants and I can do nothing to refuse. It's as if my body doesn't belong to me anymore. I can't even use my own power anymore. It's a strange thing missing something that you only had for a short time. I feel as though a piece of me is missing.

I look up as I pass by an open archway overlooking the world beyond the palace. A world I will never see. I have to bite back bitter tears from the thought. I've faced a lot of sorrow in the past few weeks. But Cassian's betrayal and the way that he's been using me is heart wrenching. I feel like nothing at all.

They make sure to parade me around the castle in my chains so that the servants can see I am no longer a guest here, but a prisoner. His prisoner. And they know what would happen to them should they help me in any way. He may have taken me out of the dungeons, but he still keeps the chains around my arms at all times. The only reason that I haven't completely given up all hope, is because of Caius's words.

I drop my gaze as we come to a halt in front of doors I am unfamiliar with. I thought I would be once again led to Cassian's chambers, but it seems that he has other plans for me today. The doors open and out comes Caius with a grim expression on his face. He doesn't even glance in my direction but I don't miss the pure hatred he has in his eyes when they lock with Ulric. He pauses in front of him, his gaze narrowing.

"You let this happen," he sneers.

His words ring across the halls and Ulric only stares back at Caius refusing to engage him. But I see regret in his gaze and the muscle that is working in his jaw. The men on the other side of Ulric look at Caius in shock, but do nothing. Caius still doesn't speak but he shoves past Ulric disappearing up the hallway. I look back to Ulric in shock but he only has a grim expression on his face. He finally steps forward and I feel the tug on my chains as he pulls me into the room.

I look around at the tower of books that surround us as Ulric leads me through the rows until we reach an open space. Cassian is waiting, standing in front of the fireplace. I feel my flesh crawl and my blood boil at the sight of him. I hate him. Yet I want to be near him. Yet I feel sad when he shows disdain towards me.

He looks up upon our entrance from the flames. His eyes immediately fall on me and he gives us no reaction. I recall him telling me that he looks to the flames when he's lost or confused; that they are a source of comfort for him. I wonder what it is that is bothering him in this moment.

He walks towards us, his gaze latching onto mine. He reaches out and takes the chains from Ulric, nodding his head slightly. Ulric simply bows and leaves the room. My nerves are on edge from Caius's words and Ulric's expression. Cassian stands quietly over me and I make sure to lower my gaze. His hands mess with the chains, and suddenly they fall from my hands, dropping to the floor in a loud clang of metal hitting metal. He turns his back on me walking to the chair nearest the flames lowering himself into the seat, his gaze never leaving the comfort of the fire's glow.

"Sit down," he says. I lightly rub my wrists and make my way to the cushions opposite of him. He keeps his gaze focused on the flames for a moment longer before finally looking at me. His expression is impossible to read as he searches my face for something.

"Do you hate me, Neytiri?" he asks.

It's such a simple question, yet it brings on so much emotion. I want to jump from my seat and attack him. I want to scream at him. But I do nothing. I do nothing as the memory of my people's slaughter echoes through my mind and my brothers' and mother's deaths as well. Tears slowly well up in my eyes but I force the muscles in my face to remain emotionless. I mirror his expression even when the one tear escapes my eye and rolls down my face.

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