Chapter 16

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We've been on the road for a few days, but we have finally reached our last stop before we make it back to the kingdom that Cassian has kept occupied. It's as if Cassian has completely changed since that night in the water. He's closed off, cold, and doesn't speak to me.

In a way, I'm glad. The man that I saw in those moments was terrifying. I look around the makeshift camp for a familiar face and feel a sense of relief when I see Caius. He's sitting by the flames, sharpening his sword with a stone.

I have barely spoken to him since that night he and Ulric switched places. I make my way over to him as quick as I can before he can see me coming. All the while I look around for Cassian to make sure he isn't here. To my advantage, he is nowhere in sight.

When I reach Caius, he doesn't look up like he usually does.

"You've been avoiding me," I say. He doesn't respond keeping his head down.

"Is it Cassian? Did he tell you to avoid me like this?" I ask. Still no response. My eyes are beginning to burn as he confirms my suspicions. He has been avoiding me.

"I'm sorry if I did anything to get you into trouble... please don't shut me out," say softly.

I look at Caius and he's still sharpening his blade.

"You're my only friend here," I say.

He finally stops what he's doing looking up at me. His face is blank of any emotion, his eyes cold.

"Do you not think I have better things to do with my time than babysit you?" he says.

"Try fending for yourself for once." He stands up brushing past me leaving me in complete and utter shock. I turn and watch him as he walks away.

What the hell was that?

"Caius," I say. He ignores me.

"Hey! Wait!" I shout, but he's still walking away from me. I take note that the other men are looking my direction but I don't care.

"Caius!" I say moving towards him. My feeling are a jumbled mess, my anxiety and irritation flaring up at the thought of being left alone with no explanation. Not again. Not like this.

"I said wait!" I shout. I take one step, and my feelings manifest themselves as ice come pouring from my veins in a massive wave heading straight for Caius. He turns just in time to see the mountain of frozen water coming at him. His eyes widen in fear as he puts his hands up to defend himself. The water is too powerful, colliding with him as it surrounds him, pushing him off his feet and into the air where he freezes solid inside the wall of ice.

My fingers are tingling from the power, and I feel a rush of adrenaline. My anger slowly dies down, and I look around to see that I'm surrounded by Cassian's men, their blades drawn and pointed at me as their eyes hold hatred and fear.

I look down at my feet in horror, stepping away from the ice that is still under them. I didn't mean to. It was an accident.

"I knew bringing an Ikniri would be dangerous."

"She could kill us all in our sleep."

"It doesn't matter that she doesn't remember. The savage instinct is still there."

I can hear the murmurs around me. The moment I take a step back I feel a blade in my back.

"Don't move, Ikniri," someone hisses.

"Lower your weapons." We all tense when the voice of the blood king splits the night air. I look over to see Cassian stepping through his men and they all visibly relax as he assesses the situation. He's looking at me with a new look on his face. Disgust. His gaze travels from me to where Caius is frozen ten feet above us.

"You attack him?" he says. I feel a chill ripple down my spine from his tone. My eyes widen and I shake my head.

"No... I would never... it was an accident..." I say. He scoffs, walking past me to the giant sheet of ice. He places his palm on it, and I take note that he does it slowly. He then emits heat from his palm, melting the ice cap. Caius comes down landing on his knees,clutching his chest. Cassian looks down at Caius and back to me.

"You could have killed him," he says. His gaze is locked to mine and I see anger in his eyes. He holds up his palm, and a flame emits from it. He begins walking towards me. I see malice in his gaze. My heart is beating fast, and I take a step back.

He takes two quick strides and is on me in an instant. He grabs a fistful of my clothing and drags me out of the circle.

* * * * *

Bound. I haven't been bound since the villagers turned on me. Cassian removed me from his camp, binding me to a tree. My arms are bound together on either side of the trunk, my back facing Cassian.

He hasn't spoken to me since I almost killed Caius, and I haven't stopped crying since. He's standing directly behind me, and I feel his hands on the fabric of my dress. He rips it off in one swift tug exposing my back to him. I can feel the cool breeze caressing my skin and I tremble from how exposed I feel.

Cassian moves around the tree so that we are facing each other and he emits a flame from his palm, holding it near is face. I see no pity in his gaze. Only hatred and distrust.

"I guess no matter where you grow up, the savage ways of your people will always follow you," he growls. The flame grows brighter, and he stands up.

"Please... I didn't mean to. I don't know how it even happened you have to believe me," I sob. He ignores me, moving behind me placing his palm on my back. His touch sends fear through my veins. I can see his shadow as the flame in his palm casts a glow in front of me.

Searing pain rips through my flesh, and I let out a scream. He is pushing his palm with the flame into my upper back, right under my shoulder. And he doesn't let go either. He continues. I squeeze my eyes shut as searing pain rips through me. I can't breathe. Fuck it hurts.

He finally lets go, and the pain is still burning through my body, searing my nerves. I drop my head, moans and sobs leaving my lips. The night is quiet, except for my pained sobs. Sweat is dripping down my skin and my back is on fire. Cassian walks back around until he is standing in front of me. He kneels looking me straight in the eyes, and I've never feared him as much as I do now.

"There will not be a next time," he growls out. I can't stop sobbing long enough to respond. He stands, looking over my shoulder.

"Ulric. Have her bound." He looks back to me as he speaks his next sentence, and I shudder from his tone.

"You won't be leaving my sight," he says. He walks away from me without so much as a backward glance. I squeeze my eyes shut, having no energy left to hold my head up. He looked at me with so much hatred in his eyes. But before the hatred came a look that will haunt me forever.



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