Chapter 10: Stormy

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"Here go these stupid ass niggas again," I said while rolling my eyes.

Like every other morning, there's a group of guys sitting at the corner house of the street right before ours. The niggas are always messing with me, as if they have nothing better to do. "Just do the same thing we do every morning," I told myself, trying to calm my nerves down.

"Damn, ma, that ass just right," one of the dudes says as I begin to walk past the yard. "Hell yeah, I'd turn yo young ass out," another one of them comments.

I kept walking with my head down. They followed me until a red charger slowed down beside us. I couldn't see who was driving but for some reason I've been seeing the car around this way mainly parked across the street from my house.

I kept walking not looking back at all. I crossed the busy road leading me right in front of the local corner store 'Quik stop'. All of everyone hangs there. From kids to fiens and prostitutes. My uncle hangs on these very block.

Sometimes I'll bring him something to eat but most of the time I don't even have anything to eat myself.

I started getting use to seeing things that wasn't normal for others my age. When i was nine I witnessed my first murder. I had to get use to seeing things like that around here being that I'm never going to leave. I'm going to be a perfect product of my environment. Well, at least that's what my aunt says. Speaking of my aunt, she's going to kill me if I miss this bus.

Walking on the bus like every morning I sat in the back where mia would join me. A few more stops mia finally joined me. I had my binder out doing my geometry work. When she took the seat next to me she looked and smelt good. In fact I noticed that she had in some new kicks.

"Damn Mia." Ken said in a seductive way. Look back at him mia gigged and finished tapping her long nails in her new iPhone 7 screen.

"Oh so you think you brand new cause you got you a lil money now?" Ken asked. Mia clearly was eating up all the complements everyone was throwing her way. She did respond to ken.

"Damn mia you green." I heard Brit say.

"How?" Mia replied. " How you go spazz on your self and ain't buy your friend no new shows I can see that big ass hole from here. Ya girl need some shoes, damn!" Brit stated loudly, for the entire back of the bus to hear. There were oh's and aw's but mostly laughing. Even though my skin was chocolate you can see the redness from embarrassment.

"Im not her mama. She can get out here just like me and work for that shit." Mia said, not looking at me. She stayed looking at her phone.

I decided to not address what just happened. Instead, I kept my eyes on the moving road. Trying to keep the tears at bay, my mind was on over drive trying to find a reason Mia was acting like we had a problem.

The bus finally came at a hault and everyone was getting off. When i got up i heard a familiar voice say, " damn ma whats up with yo shoe?"

I literally died inside. I felt everything coming up. I was so embarrassed, that before i had time to run off the bus to get to the nearest restroom or lawn it all came up.

It all came up and splattered all over dee shoes. "What the fuck!" he jumped back. But it was already too late it went all over his brand new crisp air force ones. I just wanted to ball up and die. I ran off that bus as fast as I could.

I went straight to the nurse office. "Whats the problem mama?" Nurse Biggs asked, coming over to help me get on the bed.

" I threw up." I said. She handed me a cup of water. "Alrighty tell me what happend." She said, taking a seat while she grabbed her book and pen.

"I was on the bus and I guess I got sick from the smell of the bus and the constant shaking. So when we got here it all came up." I partially explained truthfully.

"Okay, do you think you could last throughout the day?"She asked. I shook my head no.

Giving me her phone she said,"Give someone a call so you could leave."

I did what she said and called my aunt but she didnt answer so i tried one more number.

"Hello? Its me kiah do you think you could come and get me?" I asked, as soon as she answered.

"Depends where are you?"she asked.

"Im in school, I dont feel good and I dont think I could last the whole whole day." I said laying it on thick. "Yeah, ill be there in ten. You owe me." she assured.


Just like she said she was there and signing me out. While we were in her car I gave her the run down and she went on and on about how I interrupted her dick appointment.

"You think its cool if I stay at your place until school ends? My aunt will kill me if she found out I was home."I said.

She told me it was okay as long as I stay out of her and her nigga way. She had to work the night shift with me.

Once we pulled up to her apartment, she killed the engine; then hit the locks. We both stepped out and went up to her apartment door.

Using her key, she turned the locks and we gained entrance to her living room. Kiah apartment wasnt as big as my aunts but it was decent for one person. She had a one bedroom and a half bath. She had some furniture, a coffee table, and a couch. He coffee table was strached up and her couch had cigarette burns and cuts that she tried to keep hiden with a small blanket that looked as if it was meant for a baby.

Calling me in her room i sat on her twin size bed while she went in her bathroom that was located about five steps away from me. "Girl, i was about to tell you no but then he said he'll be over in an hour,"she explained.

"But anyway how have you been?"she said, while stepping out of the bathroom. She held in her hand a rag with soap on it and a bottle of half drunken water. I was confused until i saw her taking what my aunt liked to say a"hoe bath".

"Its been going al--" There was a knock on the door. "Can you go and get that tell him ill be ready in just a minute."she said.

When i went to the door i looked out the peephole which there was no point being that it wasnt there anymore. Opening the door i almost fainted, he hovered over me looking down at me. Staring into his eyes i god lost. Clearing his throat he finally snap me out of what seemed to be a trance.

"Aye you alright?"he said. I simply nodded my head in embarrassment.

"Good, well are you going to stand there and stare at a nigga or are yo going to let me in?"he said, and at the same time i stepped aside to let him gain entrance.

Sitting there on his phone, i laid down on the couch not really feeling good. It was so silent you could cut it with a knife.

"Ive never seen you here." he said breaking the silence. "Um, i dont come here very often." I explained.

"Well i didn't get your name," he said.
"Stormy" i said, giving him my name. "Well nice to meet you Miss.storm." nice you meet you too. Now for your name?" I replied. I dont know what it is but the way he said ' miss storm'..its like he was stuck in a trans and shit lets be honest he kind of had me stuck in that same trans until..

"Mon--"he started. Kiah walked out causing us both to stand up.

They went ouside and talked for awhile. When she came back in her hair was wild and she constantly kept wiping the sides or her mouth. She held a stack of money and a backpack. She peeled off a hundred dollar bill and shoved it in my hand with the biggest smile I've ever seen on her face.

She skipped back to her room and i went back to laying on the couch. Waiting for the clock to strike five o'clock so i could finally go home.

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