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T.J pov

I'm on my way to Cyrus next class and wait for him to finally come to here, I text him to harry and he said he will be here in 3 min

In this 3 minutes I think about what Buffy told me and what the hell that mean

Like.. I know Cyrus didn't told me all of his stuff  I didn't told him as well... but I'll tell him at some point cause I trust him (cringe level is on 200% lol)

It need some time

Maybe I should give him some time to tell me

Maybe its a bad idea

Maybe he will get hurt that I asked him   

Maybe Buffy lied?

But it sounds like an important thing like... someone hurt Cyrus... how can someone hurt this little cute boy?!


he is now walking to me with the biggest smile happy to see me but that smile will be gone in a matter of seconds 

"Hey T.J!!"

"I need to talk to u"

I said and and grabbed him into the toilet and locked the door so no one can come in

"what's going on??"

"Is there something u didn't told me? Something really big that I need to know??"

Yep he look terrified, what did I just do

"Can we not talk about it in school plz?"

I looked him straight in the eye pleading for him to tell me

"Look I'll tell later ok? Just come to my house after school I promise"

"And wait how did u even knew I didn't told u something?"


*the bell rings*

We probably should go to class

I plant a kiss on his cheek and we both head back to class

-time skips, end of school, cause school suck, and nobody wants to fucking read about it-

I text Cyrus to wait for me in the school gate so we can walk from school to his home

It'll be the first time I'll actually be in his home

I just wish it could be from more positive reason

When the bell rang I ran to the gate

Cyrus showed up after me

Then we begin to walk to his home and I can see Cyrus is a little freaked out and is about to panic and I wanted to just stop the world and hug him buuuttttt we kept walking till we got to his home

He hesitate to open the door but when he did he tried his best to keep it quit

But his mom saw us

"Hey hon... oh u brought a friend home, How nice! What's your name?"

"Oh uh T.J"
I said awkwardly and shake her hand

She checked me out a little with suspicious in her eyes 

after a couple "how was school today"  questions we went to his room and I could feel her eyes on me

"Why was she checking me so much? Did u told her about us?"

Ok he looks a bit frozen

"Uhh no I... she just know I like guys so when I bring a guy home she'll go crazy like she did when I brought girls home..."

"Oh so u  told her that u were gay?

"Yeah well... that's part of the things I need to tell u..."

"Oh... well go on"

We sat on his bad and I closed the gap between us and hold his hand trying to relax him

"Um... so last year there was this guy... Dylan.. that acted like he cares of me and actually liked me and... I believed him and really opened up to him and we were close friends... or so I thought ...  and he knew that I wasn't out to anybody and he wasn't as well and he spread the rumor to all of my elementary school... my mom heard from it too and that's how she found out..."

He did a long pose and I could see he's about to cry

"I didn't took it so well... I was only 12 and didn't even accept it myself and almost everybody I knew, knew that I was gay and it hurt because people was making fun of me and bullying me and it was about like a month that I didn't go to school and only Buffy visited, well Andi was kinda in shock and upset I didn't told her before.... when the year was over me Buffy and Andi went to a different high school..."  

He looked ashamed when its not even his fault...

By now he's all red and crying  and trying to hide hid face

"Hey its ok..." I said then I hugged him

When he finally calmed down a little I felt I needed to comfort him

"I'm so sorry.. I didn't know... I'm so angry on this guy I could kill him right now"

"Ha... u know u really are similar to Buffy... when he did that Buffy just went straight up to him and beat him up that he actually had been in the hospital for like two days"

"Oh my, so should I be scared now that we are dating?"

"As long as u don't do anything stupid or hurt me in any kind of way... so ....no.."

"Cyrus... I'll never hurt u.. I promise, if u get hurt I'll hurt whoever that is I could never continue living when you're in pain"

"Awwww that is the cutest thing anyone said to meeee eveeerrrr"

I squeezed Cyrus in my arms and really attacked Cyrus with kisses on the.... whole face I guess 😂

"I think it wasn't that bad that I told u"

"I think so too"

There was this calm silence, not even awkward one but just, kind of silence that can go forever and just us looking into each other eyes


*drums drums drums*

"How did u know that from the firs place?"


"Should have guessed..."

"Well we should ask her to do it more don't we"

We both laughed, more about the situation then the joke

"Boys! DINNER!!"

"DiNnER?! How long did we talked??"

"Idk but we start dinner early so now its like.... *checks time* 5 and half o'clock"

"Your family is kinda weird no offense...so.. Should we go downstairs to eat?"

"No lets go pee in the backyard of course we are"

Good joke,that's a good one, yep.. I'm a good comedian (laugh nervously)

-They went downstairs eat dinner and bla bla u know the rest and thennnnnnnn

T.J now has to go

*Sad face*

Bye bye T.J honeyyyyy-

Sorry for the terrible end, didn't know how to end this chapter  

Btw love u guys soooo much thank u all for the support and love and like for noticing my awful writing that for some reason ppl seem to like?

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