14- part 3

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Oh yes bitches get ready  for the tea

Cause it's fucking boiling

Also I think I should put a tw here cause there is homophobic slurss, and some other slurs and a fight scene (you'll see). So if anyone triggered I'll put a warning above it

Alrighty ,enjoyyy


3rd person pov:

"Have you seen Andi?" Bex asked Cyrus in the DJ's stand as he and TJ went by her

"No... sorry, I didn't see her and Buffy in maybe 20 minutes"

They went past her to an empty spot, Lemon boy by Cavetown started playing.

"I love that song!!" Tj exclaimed

"Yeah I wanted to add some songs of my own playlist" Cyrus blushed, he wasn't sure if tj would like it or not.

"Well I didn't know my boyfriend has such a good taste" he said teasingly (if that's a word) and pulled him closer to him by the waist, making Cyrus uncontrollably giggle and hid his crimson red face

They had a great time until-


Everyone turned around as the door slam open in a big boom and Bex- who was in charge of the music, stopped the song, the few kids who was still dancing in the back stopped as well and brought theyre attention to the door

At the door stood a tall man who was holding a beer, messy dirty blond hair and baggy eyes, he looked like he hadn't showered nor sleeped in days, didn't shave, or even taken care of himself in any way

Tj stood there frozen, almost shocked like anybody else, it was like the temperature sank quicker then a haunted ram's heart was beating 

No one knew what to say, and Who can blame them? threatening for him was an understatement, he was all worked up with abs and muscles , but at the same time looked like he did nothing but drink all day

His features matched tj's, which made him look a lot like a worse, way worse version of himself in the future, or at least,  representing all of what Cyrus would not want tj to become.

Tj stared right in his eyes, while everyone else remind silence , afraid of what would happend if they made a sound

"What are you doing here?" He broke the deadly silence

"can't I visit my birthday boy?" He said and got closer to tj in clumsy steps, holding up his free hand in attempt to ruffle his hair, but tj slapped his hand away 

Everyone gasped, was that tj's....?


"No, now get the fuck out of my boyfriend's house"

"Ahhhh yes, your faggot boyfriend! How are you two doin' ey? Having a great time sucking eachother dicks while doing your other pedophile fairy stuff?" 

"Get out of this house now!"

His father then took a long chug of his beer, almost finishing the bottle, he stumbled when he put it down
"DON'Tyou d-dare talk to your father like that! Nevvvver have respect! I've been doing everything to make you the perfect child an-d you go and do that! What di-d I ever do to youu to deserve that? Why is it so important to mmfmfuckin...punish me-e!"

Punish him? does he really think me being gay is to punish him??? Tj was too.. amused of his father's stupidity for him to answer, while his dad kept whining

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