14- part 2

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Meanwhile in the party...

(after Marty and Buffy left Cyrus and Andi and Tj and literally everyone behind what hoes really such a shame, fucking basic bitches)

Again... sarcastic

(U just gotta accept me being 50% sarcastic and 50% gay-

Meanwhile me being bisexual...)


3 person pov:

Andi held a cold lemonade in her hand while she tried to look for her friend who happend to disappear right when she came back with her drink

She gave up after a long time of searching, sitting on a sofa in the living room and enjoying the music that was playing,

'At least the music is nice'  she thought to herself, humming the song

"You're my...my...my... my kind of women" she hummed to herself peacefully, she didn't expect tj to have that such a taste in music, since she knew Cyrus was looking throw his playlist.
While humming the next line she was (rudely) inturapted

"who is that girl talking to Jonah?"

Andi's attention was brought to Amber who just causally popped up of nowhere

Her mouth parted slightly in confusion then she followed Amber's gaze to where Jonah and another girl are. Chatting, laughing, laughing?

They were standing too close

'Its probably cause there are a lot of people, I mean even I barely have enough space to move'

That was a lie, she knew that

"I..... think he's just talking to a friend, I mean, not every girl is here to steal my place, right?" Andi added the last sentence in a small laugh.

Andi really tried to calm her jealousy down, I mean, come on, she's not gonna be that jealous gf

"Yeahhhhhh....... but he's Jonah....."

"What is that supposed to mean??"

Amber knew that Andi knew what she meant, it was obvious what she meant, Jonah did that to Amber and girls before her, and Amber has only one thing in her mind right now playing in repeat:


Ok maybe the 'precious little Angel looking cinnabon' wasn't there a moment ago but..... it ain't wrong tho

"Umm... Andi I think he's been talking to her a little too long... also I don't think he's 'just chatting', I mean they clearly never met-"

"Just please stop talking" she brust in between Amber words, erasing them from her mind completely, and Amber immediately shooshed herself   

Andi looked back and forth between Jonah- and the door- then at Amber.

The neon purple&green lights crushed into the blonde- beauty's slightly worried face, Andi took a deep breath as she looked more and more into the eyes of the teenager in front of her, before she turn around and walk past her and out of the door, leaving this now meaningless loud noises behind.

She really did not have a mood to talk to Amber right now, or Buffy or Cyrus.

The only person that she wants when she's sad is the one that's making her sad, Jonah

that is bad, really really bad,
and she knows exactly how fucked up this situation is, she just want to go home and hide underneath her covers, watching diy youtube videos till she falles asleep in maybe 4 am.

She sits on the porch stairs , by herself , taking her time to think about everything, about Jonah, and if she still had feeling for him,  she put her head in her hands while she tap her feet to the beat of the song that was played inside the house, trying to distract herself from tearing up, but she couldn't let Jonah make her sad like that every time, she doesn't want to be let down anymore, she doesn't even know if there is even more down then this, she thinks about if she should or should not break up with him

She likes him, yes, he's funny, and handsome,

He's popular,

He has a lot of friends,

He's nice,

He's all she ever wanted in a guy

But he's also not very aware when he's hurting people, not even just her, like, a lot of people in his life, and he just don't get it.

Maybe this- this relationship, just isn't as perfect as she thought it is, she just likes the idea of him liking her, not that, he actually is.

Hell, even walker was better then him, Andi is just so blind by Jonah, not that it is he's falt, just his smile, and confidant that stealed Andi's heart, now it's the moment Andi realized she wants it back

she needs it back

She knew it, she just denied it and really didn't wanna face it, Jonah isn't the one for her.

Just then the door opened up, Andi looked behind her back and saw Amber, gosh how she did not wanna see her right now, why can't she just leave her alone?

"Hey Ann"

"First of- don't you ever dare calling me that again, -

second of - ... just.. what? You're here to laugh at me? That I got what I deserved cause I stole Jonah from you?"  Andi tried her best to sound angry, but you could defiantly hear the deep sadness in her voice, like she was on the verge of tears, and hearing that Amber heart went BA-BOOM BA-BOOM BA-BOOM then almost broke out of pain.

"What?? Oh no hell no ,girl  I never even liked him"

"Wait...really???  so why were you even with him from the start???"

"Uh... because he's popular- DUH, and UHhh for the ReCoRd- I don't even LiKe BoYs" Amber made a disgusted face, pointing out the 'B', imitating a girl chewing gum and playing with her hair, rolling her eyes,  which made Andi chuckle and send waves of warm into Amber's heart, just seeing Andi's eyes lit up like that was like a daydream, and what make it 10× better, is that it's Amber that made the smile creep up onto her face, she would do anything to keep that smile there that damn so beautiful smile, she loved it, she decided its her favorite thing to see. she only wants to see that smile and nothing else, honestly she could just stay like this forever, sitting with Andi on the porch, trying to make her feel better .

"Hey so... you want to like, get away from the party for awhile? Seems like TJ could handle it without us" she asked and gently nodged her side a bit.

Andi looked once again at the lighted house, load music brust out of it and teens are dancing (horribly) could be seen throw the windows

She sighed, she have nothing to lose

"Yeah, I guess we can"


My fingers are burning.

Its 3 am.

What the hacc.

Ambi be like:

Ambi be like:

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