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Haven't written in years so get ready for this mess

Also angest haha yay


Selfish selfish selfish selfish

"You're so selfish Amber! Why can't you do anything useful in this house! Go to your room!"

She really tried not to take it too personal, her father is just going through hard times. He lost his job and from then him and her mom always fight.

She got it, and she tried not to get too upset about it.

Yelling in the house was something Amber got used to. And that she hates. She hates her home.

Selfish selfish selfish selfish

"Do the dishes then pick up your brother.  Don't complain, if I hear one squeak coming from your mouth I swear I'll beat the shit out of you" her mom said- only one time, and she still remembers that every time her mom raised her voice at her.

Fear fear fear stress I'm scarED-

"The dishes won't do themselves amber, move it" her voice bit harshly

Here you go amber, always in that little bubble. it was only one time. Forget it!

She smiled softly at her mother, which seemed to soften her up a bit, but it didn't least long as she hurried up stairs to her "office" - a room she once went from time to time to get drunk, now she spent most of her hours there.

It's hard for her! Don't blame her!

thoughts one after another came flooding in, this time she let them flood 

But I just want my momma back!

She was cut short in thoughts when her phone vibrated on the kitchen counter

*(1) text from Andi❤*

She then become aware her sight was disrupted, due to tears she didn't even realize was starting to form

Andi❤: hey! Wanna hang out?

Me: you sure you still want to?
(Massage deleted)

Me: sure.

Andi❤: great! I'll meet u at the park in 20?

Me: yea I'll meet u there

Amber went upstairs to get ready, careful at her steps, guilty over the butterflies in her belly

She exited through the back door, the front door was too loud

I didn't brush my hair, it looks like a mess. No no it's fine right? Yeah it's whatever

Andi was already at the park, sitting under the blue slide, wide enough for 2 other people

When Amber came, she didn't expect it to be so awkward

"Hey" Amber bit her lip

"Hey" Andi responded, without even looking at her

Oh god she's still mad isn't she? Oh god oh f-

"Are you ok?" She asked Andi

"Yea.. just stuff with my parents" Andi averted eye contact with Amber

"Oh? What happend?"

"They're just... pissing me off." Andi's words were quick, harsh

"My mom just hates me! She just cancelled her wedding with my dad, she didn't even think about me! How could she do that???"

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