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Hey guess what I'm back

I read again what I wrote on the facts on myself,

U know, like the over-thinking anxious ass I am,

and I go throw it and ,um, sad story; my mom gave away my cat to.... no one actually, like, left him, so : cat no more,
Jim, I will miss u


Cyrus pov:

I'm walking now down the hallway, I'm nervous, I can feel the sweat starting to wet my forehead , no you know what I'm almost shaking

Cause I'm on my way to the cafeteria, to sit with my boyfriend,  two best friends , and.... ex

What am I doing

I can blow him off like every moment now, I want to, but I feel like its a little too late now, I mean what if he's already there? Or what if he goes up to us and I have to ask him to leave, I hate to embarrass people in public, and I know it will just draw more attention to me then I already have, I don't need any more shit now on my head  , why can't this be easier

Oh well I guess its just me and my stupid decisions that keep ruining my life

I mean, what do I have to complain, its all me isn't it?

I'm just stupid, a stupid person that is now face to face with my ex
I don't want to do that now, I.look over to see T.J standing up and fold his arm around my waist, leading me to the seat next to him, sadly, Dylan follows.

We sit back and I look up to see Buffy and Andy, with the same confused expression on their face, not about this more about... this?

This whole thing, we didn't actually see that coming, that Dylan will actually sit with us again after all that happened

I guess life is just unexpected 

"So..... " Dylan decided to break the awfully long awkward tension that was between all of us, you can feel it, you can see it , you probably could cut it with a knife, and I hated every moment of it

"So" T.J replied after another couple of seconds filled with silence

  "Lets start with a proper apology from you to Cyrus" Buffy was quick to say, she was even more mad then before

I turned to face T.J, he calmed me, I needed to calm right now, I wish I could just stare at his beautiful face forever , but was fast back in reality as Dylan cough at least three time to get my attention to him

"Well, Cy, I am really  sorry about what happened-"

"Not what happened, what you did" he shoot Buffy a glare and looked back at me

"I'm sorry about what h- what I did" Buffy was now on the end of her sit, getting closer to Dylan face, I was now starting to feel like the apology is meant for her, but that's a stupid thing to think, why would it be?

"I'm sorry for the things I said, how I treated you, how sometimes ignored you for others, how I know you were not ready but I still did what I did from peer pressure and from the thought that if I just blame it on you it will solve everything, it didn't,  it really didn't"

I was sceptical, the words are beautiful, really, but his eyes says a different story, see, his eyes didn't even look at me, his eyes moved between to floor, his hands , and Buffy, not once looking at me , and I felt stuck, could it be it? Do I forgive him now? I felt like if I did I will just make a fool of myself, again.

I didn't even knew what to feel.

I just looked away, not bothering to answer him, or look at him, I prefer to look at T.J , seeing him made me smile, and seeing me smile made T.J smile, I felt like we both knew it will just be alright for now, but will it?

The rest of the lunch break was quiet,  not much talking, I took another bite from my sandwich, looking down while searching blindly for T.J'S hand under the table for comfort and I could feel how awkward it is for Dylan, but from odd reason,  I didn't care, I didn't care if he's comfortable, or in pain, I didn't care about him at all, not like I used to

But I just wonder if he still care about me

3 person pov:

The four of them goes back to class as the bell goes off , ringing to the whole school that depressing sound for kids and teenagers around the world, there is the strangest feeling, and all of them wonder if this is how it's gonna be for the rest of the day, week, month, hell, they didn't even know where it'll end

its like Dylan is there like the old times when he used to be around Cyrus, and its supposed to feel familiar, but it's not, its tense and it can kill you, tha pressure that was around can literally kill you

It's like they don't know him anymore, like nobody of them does, and Buffy seem strange, Andy and T.J are awfully quiet, and Dylan, he changed, a lot, what happend?

and they all thought the same thing;

"Is it ever gonna change? Am I gonna feel this way forever?"


I dunno bich I'm just really depressed

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I dunno bich I'm just really depressed

Life is indeed sad

Oh well-

Hope u liked that horrible chapter

Honestly I'm just typing shit if u hate then just know-

Me too

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