It's not that bad

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Edited by 💜💜💜@taetrash8397💜💜💜

As we were heading back to the living room. All i could think about was that I should talk to him. This time like a gentleman, not like a wild animal. Heck. How am I even supposed to face him after that. I tried to claim him when I wasn't even in my right mind, let alone loved him. Sure, I love him as a brother and a friend but not in that way, right?.

I'm really confused with myself why did I do something that stupid. At first glance you would think it was my alpha nature, that and his appealing scent being too much for me to handle. But namjoon hyung is an alpha too. Yet he never went ape shit on him being 'all mine' 'mine' the way I did. Damn it why the hell would I say something that cheesy? it's just good old taehyung. But again he submitted to me so easily if we ignore his little whine of protest. He's at fault too. He triggered my Alpha by purring so cutely as he nuzzled my chest. Fuck. The mere thought made all the blood rush to my cock.

Glad he's not the beta taehyung anymore otherwise I'd be dead meat by now. Of course he liked skin ship back then. But surely not that kind. Shit. He's straight too, I think. He basically flirted with every girl he met, even the makeup noonas. The beta taehyung would surely cut off my dick for touching him like that.

"You know, you should be careful with the boys. Thanks to you, yoongi hyung has a black eye and hobi has a bruised leg. Jin hyung is in his full mommy mode. And you know Jimin, he went all protective shit over him. They're gonna feast on you the moment you set foot in there."

Namjoon hyung broke my trance, giving me a warning look, or more like readying himself to enjoy the beating I'm about to get.

"Fuck. I know. They're gonna skin me alive. I don't wanna see yoongi hyung's face. He's fucking creepy."

Then this jerk I call hyung just laughed like a maniac, instead of reassuring me.

"You know...I practically had to knock you on the head with a baseball bat to stop you from killing us."

I widened my eyes. He had to knock me out to keep me from killing them? That's unbelievable. Was I that out of it that they were scared for their lives? Also this jerk is the one that gave me this bruise?

"You're gonna pay for that hyung.."

I warned him. That bruise fucking hurt. But the jerk just chuckled, waving me off.

"Be grateful I knocked you out before jin hyung kicked you in the balls."

He laughed loudly, occasionally hitting my shoulder. He must be visualizing jin hyung's antics. I kept a poker face through it all. It wasn't even funny. I love my balls thank you very much and i'd love to keep them safe and far away for jin hung's feet. How can he make fun of them being kicked? Insensitive jerk.

When we reached the living room, they didn't even notice us. They were busy nursing taehyung. The moment I met eyes with him, he squeaked and fled behind jimin hiding himself. Ok, that made me pissed. Why jimin? I mean hobie hyung is there too. Even though he hid from me, he still bared his neck in submission. I struggled to hold back a possessive growl. why is he keep doing that. It's making my inner alpha uneasy.

As soon as jin hyung noticed me, he began ranting about how terrible I was and how I should behave myself and blah blah.. yoongi hyung also joined him threatening to cut my hands off and feed them to yeontan if I ever touched tae again. He was also very pissed about the black eye I gave him when we had an upcoming photo shoot on the way. I sighed. I hate their lectures. But I had to listen to them, even after all the shit I pulled, i know they are doing this because they love me and tae.

"Ok. Ok..I understand that I was out of control and I couldn't control myself as an alpha. I was a very much bad alpha. I get it. So please, Can I talk to him now?"

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