Claiming him

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Edited by 💜💜💜@taetrash8397💜💜💜

After the whole embarrassing drama, jimin never initiated any type of conversation with taehyung again. The omega just pouted cutely the whole time, whining that he didn't do anything wrong.

At the intermission, Taehyung disappeared in the direction of the green room mumbling about meeting beakhyun hyung. It's okay since beakhyun is a beta. Betas don't usually claim omegas or smell their scent. It's not like I'm bothered that someone would claim him or anything. Yeah. Definitely not that.

Hyungs gave up on playing bodyguard at this stage because that brat is a little devil. Don't get me wrong, he's always been stubborn. But it's on a totally other level now. The sneaky brat gets everything he wants. He wants chocolate at ass o'clock? The sky might as well rain every flavor of chocolate out there just to keep the omega satisfied.

Then he's on a sugar rush; jumping around, singing , dancing with jimin or hobi hyung and when the sugar low hits him he'd drop like rock and sleep anywhere he pleases in the dorm, which of course is never his room, curling into a cute ball; if not for the missing tail you'd definitely mistake him for a kitten. They can't even scold him, if they did, he would cry like there's no tomorrow, releasing the saddest pheromones ever. It's not like they would scold him. They are whipped as fuck. I can't tell whether he's truly evil or too innocent but he's definitely annoying.

I excused myself to the restroom to relieve myself after a while. Once I was done I exited and headed back to the ceremony hall but halted the moment I felt that oh so familiar scent of honey and lavender filling my lungs.


But something seems off. I just feel it in the air. I quickly headed to the direction where the scent came from. The nearer I got, the more potent the scent became. And when I heard his small whimpers, I knew something was definitely wrong. I ran in his direction not caring about the people I kept bumping into as I pushed my way through them, a bad feeling twisting in my gut. Damn it! did you have to stray this far away tae? what the hell is happening?

When I arrived, the scene unfolding before my eyes turned my blood into ice. Taehyung was pinned to the wall by a tall alpha, forced to submit. He was baring his neck, whimpering painfully, unable to protest against the dominant nature of the other male. My whole vision turned red. I was fucking angry.

I punched the fucker square in the face, after ripping him off the whimpering omega. Taehyung still had his neck bared, glued to the wall in submission.

"He's mine. Stay away."

He snarled, panting in anger, holding his bleeding nose. It's Kai hyung from EXO. But I wouldn't care if it were the president. He dared touch tae without his permission. That's all that mattered to me right now.

"He's no one's. Get the fuck away from him."

I snarled back, covering the omega with my body, ready to pounce on the alpha at any sudden move. And why the fuck won't this asshat submit and leave already. Can't he see how this fight would end. Can't he see that I'm clearly more dominant.

"He's going to be mine. He's going to wear my mark on that pretty neck. So fuck off kid."

That's it. The fucker is asking for it. I smashed his head into the wall beside taehyung, the omega screaming at the bloody scene. Kai wobbled on his feet a few seconds before charging at me not wanting lose the pretty omega.

On my dead body would he go anywhere near taehyung. If he didn't stop right now I'll make sure this day would be his last. I dodged his punch grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back, tightening my other arm around his neck trapping him in a full head lock in a blink of an eye. His face took an odd shade of purple as I continued to choke the life out of him.

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